Not Like Them

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This imagine is about a girl who is badly struggling with suicide. She once watched her mother commit suicide and then later in life watched her father do the same. Everywhere she went, someone would bully her and tell her that her parents killed themselves to get away for her. She soon gets adopted by Liam. As this is going on, she began to think that it was her destiny to die like her parents. Also read the message after this imagines please. Thank you.

Age: 13

Sitting on a seat by yourself on the school bus was always hard for me. The other kids would whisper things about me loud enough for me to hear. The trips home would feel so long and hopeless. I never really had or made friends.

"Hey, did you know y/n's mother killed herself because she was possessed." Someone said. And then every head turn towards me, even the bus driver.

I was always the last one to get off, so I would move up to the front seat. The bus driver was nice and told great stories.

"Those kids just want to make you crack. Don't let it get to you." She said everyday before I got off, but today she said nothing.

"Y/n, you're home great." Liam said standing up. "I decided that we move to my hometown. I know what you are thinking. You can make new friends." He said showing me the house on his phone.

"I don't have friends and will never have them." I said slowly moving up to my room.

"Oh. Then you can make some at this school." He said moving towards me.

"Don't you understand? No one wants to be my friend because of me. I'm weird. They see me as a demon because if my parents. They wouldn't even say hello. Do you know how bad the hurts me inside? No, because your life is just as perfect. You have everything. Money. Fans. Friends. Family. I don't have any of that, Liam. I'm nothing, but a psychopath that need to be in a freak show!" I yelled. I stormed up to my room.

I'm going to end up just like my parents. Suicide. Maybe I should just it like them.
Part 2, anyone?

So this imagines was written for a friend of mine, who suffered from this problem. She survived it, but later in life she began to experience it again. However, this time she had began with medical help. At the age 14, she was over this stage. Soon she came down with this sickness that wasn't curable. When I found out, I was devastated. Her last text from me was 'I faced many struggles in life. Now they are over. Thank for standing by me.' She is still living from her random updates on Tumblr. I miss her and wish she could contact me soon. If you are reading this _________, I miss you and love you. For anyone that is like this, I'm willing to talk and help you through this situation.

All my love,

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