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  He had been walking around humming or singing the chorus of Justin Bieber's "Baby" for days. It had been driving you nuts and finally enough was enough. You snap your book shut and glare at him. "There are billions of songs in the world, could you possibly sing another one now?" "Huh?" he looks up at you confused. "You've been singing 'Baby' for days!" "Oh, I hadn't realized," he says with a shrug. You, knowing your husband as well as you do, know that there's something going on in that pretty little head of his. He always hums or sings about whatever's on his mind without realizing it. "Niall," you start slowly, "have you been thinking about maybe having a baby?" "What?" he asks surprised. "No, what makes you think that?" he says defensively. You just smile knowingly. He returns that smile, a slight blush coloring his cheeks, and asks, "How did you know?" "Oh, you know, the same way I always know what you're thinking." He chuckles. "Is that so? Well do you know what I'm thinking now?" he asks, raising a suggestive eyebrow. "I might," you say with a flirtatious smirk as you take him by the hand and lead him towards your bedroom. 


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