Exes and Ohhs

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Last face it everyone have that moment when they still miss that was with their ex. You had that moment every time someone said his name(which was once a year).  Since you heard that Lucas was in town you was excited to see how he looked after 2 years.

You got dress and headed or the door. "Where are you going, and wearing that?" Liam said coming out of nowhere. "Umm.. I was just planning to go see Lucas." You said turning around for him to see you clearly. "You mean the Lucas that broke your heart the same guy who gave you a black eye?" Liam asked getting up and putting on his coat. "No thanks. I don't need a body guard." You said.

He came along anyway, but during the drive you two made a deal that he will only come out the car only when you needed him. It was six and your ex was only half a minute late. "So, how are you?" Lucas asked you and replied back was a simple good. Time passed and you guys talked and talked until Lucas did something stupid. "Y/N, I still love you and I can't keep this away anymore." Luke said meaning forward to your face and gripping your hips so you could get away. "You are hurting me." You said whining in pain. You started yo push him off of you a couple of times, but he is way stronger than you.

You birthed that Lian was still out there so you yelled his name. He came running in and punch Luke in the face. Before you could react, Lian had his hands around the boy's chest punching it. Talking about a heart-stopper.

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