Tattoos to Make You Mad.

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Harry had the way with your kids. He was the soft parent and you was the hard parent. You need let them do anything that was against any of your rules.

Once you twin daughters turn 15, they decide to get that same tattoo that Harry got. The butterflies, that got them on their back.

"Mum. We're home." Becka said coming in (one in pink). "We had the best time at the mall." Tali said (on in the blue).

"What do you guys do?" You asked coming in with dinner. "Oh hey. They're here." Harry said coming in and sitting down. The twins smiled and laughed right along with their father.

The twins told you everything that they did at the mall. The only part that really matter to you and Harry was when they mentioned the tattoo.

You both looked at each other and laughed. You knew that your girls won't do something like. They was straight A students. They never go into trouble. Plus they said they never want one.

"What? It is true. We got the butterflies that Dad got. I mean it cost us 20 pounds each but it was worth it." Tali said. She lift her shirt enough for you to see the wings.

You almost freak out when you seen it. "What the bloody hell?!" You yelled. "Why would you get dumb tattoos like that? You both are grounded until those tattoos are worn off."

You said walking in to the kitchen.

"Look, your mum is just a little worried that the tattoos will damaged you or even change you. I mean to me they are kind of cute." Harry said.

After a few hours, you finally calm down and went up stairs to say sorry to the twins. Once you got up to the door, you heard Becka talking.

"Mum freak out. I didn't want the prank to get this far. I mean these fake tattoos are a classic. I am glad dad got them for us." You walked away from the door and smiled. Knowing that you had a few prankster days in you, you knew how to get them back.

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