I found Her pt 2

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Angel's POV

   I was just practicing when a man came and grabbed me. He took my arm and pushed me into a van. Two woman was sitting in there and two more men.

   "Listen little girl. You're daddy is very rich and in order to get you back he have to pay a very big amount of pounds. Now if you be a good  girl and not a brat, you will be safe." One woman said with a pen is her hand.

   I want to go home so bad. Wht felt like two hours later, we arrived in front of a tall building. Music was playing out the other building. "Take her inside." The old man said.

   They left me alone in the dark. Lights flashed on and off from the other building. A party. I heard kids laughter and other people shouting. 

"Mummy!" I scream as loud as I could. No one heard me. "Mum?" I whispered to cover up my sobs.

Harry POV

  I drove after the van in full speed. They arrived at a building that I seen times before. I jumped out and opened the door to the van. "Where's my daughter?" I said as soon as I seen people.

  "Well, well, well. Look who decide to join the party. Mr. Styles himself. Do you remember me? Your directioners sure do. Since the break you decide to teach a football team and your wife have decide to be a cheerleader coach." Naughty Boy said stepping out from the truck.

   "What do you want with us?" I said pushing him back towards the building. "Money. I need money. That's it."  I want to punch that smirk off his face so bad. "I'll give it to you just please tell me where Angel is."

   "There." The trashbag said pointing to the building door. I opened it and saw my baby girl in the corner crying.

"Daddy!" She said jumping in my arms. "Look baby girl. Mummy is waiting on us okay. Go to the car and don't open the door for no one. Daddy have some business to take care of."

Y/n pov

   I call the police as Harry said and waited. My cheerleaders came out and tried to calm me down.  As they tried, Harry's car pulled up and Angel came running. "Mummy! Daddy save me." She said hugging my neck. Tears came down and I hugged her tighter with every one.

   Harry came next. Angel ran off with the girls, but I never let her out my site. "What?" Harry said panting. "Thank you for everything. I love you more than anything. I am sure she does too." He smiled and when he did it went to his eyes.

   "Mummy, I learned the dance move." Angel called out. "So who kidnapped her?" I asked drying my tears.

  "A nobody. His name taste like trash in my mouth." Harry said carrying me to Angel. The kids was laughing at us.

"Naughty Boy?"

All he did was nod, and I was laughing like a little girl. "Where is he now?"

    "With the rest of his songs. In the trash." He was laughing now.

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