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You stayed in the house all winter because you hate the snow and the cold. Lou rounded the corner and smiled. After your little fetish moment with him, he have became all giggles around you. "Babe, I was thinking that we should stay in the today. I mean I will wear my Boy London outfit if you want." He said kissing your neck. You moved to the right, but Lou pulled you back to him. "Cooking won't help. I got a taste for you." You smirked and decide to let him have a taste of what it feels like to mess with about an fetish.

You flipped her hair and walked over to Louis and sat down on his lap. You move a little and press your back against his chest. "W-w-what are you doing?" Lou said studdering. You laughed and did it again and again until you felt him get hard. "You see. When people live around other people for so long, they seen to know everything about each other. Like my fetish to you is when I sit on you." You said. You knew that Lou couldn't resist the feeling that was inside him. He knew you had won, but he wasn't giving up.

"My Boy London shirt is in the room. I can easily put it on. I mean it isn't nothing for me to do. Besides you think I look sexy in it." Lou said. You and him spent the whole day trying to figure out who had the biggest fetish. I believe you did because who can't resist when that boy is in Boy London.

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