The Best Ticket Ever

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smut warning ;]

The blue and yellow lights flashed from behind me, clouding my windscreen. My knuckles tightened on the steering wheel and I hissed angrily to myself even as I slowly pressed the brakes. My car rolled to a stop, and the police car slid up behind me. Fuck. I was just trying to hurry home, frustrated by my long day at work and ensuing argument with my ex. A speeding ticket was the last thing I needed to top off the worst day I'd had all year. I hesitated, then slowly tugged down the v-neck of my tank top. Maybe I could wiggle my way out of this one.

I watched in the rear view mirror as the driver unbuckled, reached for something in the passenger seat, and then opened his door. My eyebrows lifted in surprise as his frame unfolded from the compact interior of the car, stretching to well over six feet. His shoulders were broad, narrowing to a relatively thin waist. His dark figure grew larger as he approached, and I rolled down my window.

Large brown eyes surveyed me sternly beneath heavy brows. I was struck by the strong angle of his jaw, the thin layer of scruff on his cheeks, and the slight plumpness of his lips. He was unlike any cop I had ever seen.

Despite my surprise at his attractiveness, I noted with satisfaction the slight flicker of his eyes from my face to my cleavage. Cop or not, he wasn't immune to me.

His eyes slid back up to my face. "Ma'am, do you know how fast you were going?"

His voice was low, rumbling, and I noticed he was chewing gum. He braced on hand on the lip of my window, the other against the metal bracing between the driver's window and the windshield. His shoulders, with his arms extended as such, were so wide that he blocked my view of the road.

I gave a small smile and looked up at him. "No, officer. Was I speeding?"


I pursed my lips into a pout. "I'm so sorry, officer. I... I guess I just like to go fast."

He stared at me for a long minute, his jaw opening and closing to chew on his gum although he kept his lips sealed. I could tell he was thinking, so I leaned a little more towards him, letting my breasts fall forward with the gravity of my new angle.

"Ma'am, I'll need you to step out of the car."

He released his grip on my car and stepped back, his black police boots striking the ground harshly as he waited for me. I waited a second, and then unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door. I was careful to extend my legs first, letting them hang out of the car for just one second too long before shifting my weight and standing up, straightening my skirt. I smiled at the policeman, lifting one hand to my hair to tuck it behind my ear.

"Walk along this line, ma'am," he ordered. I flashed him another small smile and did as I was told, pivoting my body so that he got a better view of my profile. I wasn't drunk, so I wasn't worried. I put one foot in front of the other, swaying my hips slightly as I walked straight down the painted line on the road.

"Good," the officer said again, and I looked back at him. His arms were across his chest and he was smirking slightly. "I'll just need to see your license and registration."

"May I return to my car and get it?" I asked, tilting my head to the side.

He nodded once, shifting his weight to his right.

I turned and walked back to my car, then bent over to reach for the registration in my glovebox. I made sure to keep my hips thrust out, my ass in the air, which my ankles just a few inches too far apart to be modest. I made a show of riffling through the maps and paraphernalia until I found the registration card. Then I dug for my purse, lowering my shoulders even more as I lifted it from the car floor.

He made no sound, so I straightened up again, running a hand through my hair to straighten it before turning my back to the car to face him. "Here you are, sir," I said with a smile as I handed him the papers.

The officer glanced over them, still chewing occasionally on the piece of gum in his teeth. He put the papers on the roof of my car. "Thank you, ma'am. But unfortunately, I'm going to have to search you. It's just procedure. Please place your hands on the boot of your car."

"Yes, officer," I said quickly, striding to the back of my car. I lowered my hands to the cool metal, keeping my gaze on the back windshield.

He moved behind me, and I felt his hands press against my shoulders and down my sides until they rested on my ass. He pressed harder into the flesh and I let out a small 'oh,' letting him know my consent. He hesitated, and I heard his gum pop again. Then he slid his hands down my right thigh, his warm hands pressing tightly against my bare skin.

"Legs further apart," he ordered, and I complied, smiling to myself. His hands shifted to my left ankle and his grip slid back up my leg, this time catching on my skirt. I felt cool air against my bum, and in one second he had hooked his finger around my thong and pulled it aside.

There was a moment's pause, in which I heard the rustle of clothing, and then his cock pierced me and I cried out in pleasure. His strong hands were on my back, pushing my shoulders against the chilly surface of the trunk. His breathing increased as he began thrusting his erection in and out of me.

I couldn't tell if it was because of our exposed position, or the euphoria of having illicit sex, or if he really was as huge as he felt, but exponential pleasure rushed through me as he fucked harder. He clapped a hand to my mouth, muffling my moans of pleasure as his hips slammed into mine. My hipbones ached as he rammed me against the trunk, but the pain only served to heighten the pleasure of his pounding erection.

I screamed as my orgasm washed over me, filling me with pleasure that penetrated every corner of my being. My vision grew hazy, even the blue and yellow flashing lights disappearing before the ocean of blackness that rolled through me.

Then it was over, and I could hear the officer's heated gasps for breath as he bucked against my thighs still trembling with residual orgasm. He grunted as he climaxed, his body tightening into one tense muscle, thrusting once more inside me until he stopped, heaving for breath.

We remained in that position for a long minute until he finally relaxed. He pulled out of me and stepped away; I could hear the sound of a zipper and fabric being straightened. Only then did I shift my weight from the trunk of my car back to my feet, standing again on my shaking legs.

I heard the pop of his gum again. "I'll let you off with a warning this time, ma'am. But remember: speed kills."

I looked up to see his smirk again, dancing below his sensual eyes. I smiled and nodded. "Yes sir, officer..."

His eyebrows rose and fell once. "Officer Payne." He read my surprise, or at least anticipated it. "And no, that's not a joke."

I bit my lip and smiled up at him beneath my eyelids. "Well, Officer Payne... It's rather dark, and I don't exactly live in the nicest neighborhood... I would feel more safe if you escorted me home."

His smirk grew wider and he straightened his shoulders. "Certainly, ma'am. I'm here to serve."

I turned and re-entered my car, making sure to grab my license and registration from the roof. I put the car back into drive and accelerated, watching in my rear view mirror as his car accelerated to match mine. I smiled to myself. I hoped he remembered his handcuffs. Best Ticket Ever.

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