I Want To Write You A Song

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My eye's fluttered open, the sun was peeking through the blinds It was shining straight into my eye's making me squint. I groaned and rolled to my side. I saw Lou laying to my side with his mouth slightly parted. I smirked to myself and thought about how lucky I was.

I could remember the day that we met. It was the first day of Uni and I had no idea where I was going causing me to bump right into Lou . He directed me to my dorm and I didn't see him until my roommate Macy convinced my to go to a frat we party down the road and that's where we met. We had some light conversation. I found out he was hear studying law. Not long after that night we began talking more and it just happened.

I smiled to myself and rolled onto my back. I rested my hands on my stomach and sighed. I cocked my head to the side and checked the time. 9:43. I wouldn't have any classes until 6:30. I rolled out of bed and slipped into my joggers. I took my phone off the charger and slid it into my pocket.

I left the room and jogged down the stairs. I shuffled into the living room and grabbed my headphones off the coffee table, I shuffled into the kitchen and swung open the freezer. I pulled out hash browns and bacon and placed it on the counter. I plugged in my headphones and began blasting my music.

I grabbed pancake mix out of the pantry and a bowl out of the bottom cabinet. I began dancing around the kitchen as mixed the pancake mix with eggs and milk. I placed the bacon on the stove and put the hash bows in the toaster oven. I was standing at the stove flipping the bacon when I felt Lou wrap his arms around my waist.

"Hey, beautiful." Lou kissed down my neck and onto my collar bones.

"Hey." I playfully swatted his hands away. "I'm trying to cook here."

"Your the best." He mumbled and continued to kiss down my neck. "Why don't you leave the food for a few seconds and take a break." I giggled and shook my head.

"Can you go set the table please." Lou groaned loudly and removed his hands from my waist. I grabbed plates from the top cabinet and placed the food onto them. I grabbed a 3 bowls, placed oatmeal in 2 of them and fruit in one.

I brought all the plates to the table and noticed that Lou was only in a pair of boxers. He put the utensils on the table and sat down. I smiled and placed the plated on the table.

"Well this looks great," he began dishing out the food on a plate and handed one to me. I smirked at him.

"Why, thank you." I grabbed the knife and used it to put butter on my pancakes. I drizzled syrup everywhere and set it back down onto the table. Lou couldn't stop staring at me the whole time I ate. I furrowed my eyebrows and looked back at him. "What?"

"Your just...so freaking beautiful." I blushed and looked down. Lou stood up and came towards me. He put his hand on my cheek and brought his face closer to mine until our lips connected. I wrapped my arms around his neck and smiled into the kiss.

I disconnected our lips but kept my forehead against his.

"How'd I get so lucky to be with you."

"I don't even know." I bit my lip and looked down. "We should finish breakfast." Lou let out a shaky breath.

"Forget breakfast, I should just eat you," he chuckled and attacked my neck.

"Come on, Lou, I'm serious."

"Ugh, fine." He went back to his seat and continued to look at me. His eye's would always look down at his plate every time I would look back up at him. He finished his breakfast and brought his plate to the kitchen. "Hey, I'm gonna go take a shower then Niall wanted us to come over to his for a while.

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