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Today Niall have decided to teach me golf, which was going to be hard. I won't say Niall was the worst golfer, but I wouldn't say he is the best either.

"Babe, wear something easy and comfortable." Niall said from the other said of the door.

"How about I wear a tank top and some shorts?" I asked coming out.


I pulled my hair in a bun and grabbed my phone. We drove to this big arena where he hired someone to block off for today.

"This is where we will be playing, hopefully no one is inside." Niall said taking me hand.

The field was set up in golf style. There was a sign above a windmill that said 'Putt Putt'.

I walked up to all the selections and saw the extreme details Niall put into this place.

"So the main thing in golf you need to know is that no is perfect." Niall said.

"Of course. That is way you are still practicing, isn't it?" I said hold back my smirk.

"Y/N, I'm going to tech the basic first." Niall said ignoring the remark.

I had to admit that Niall is pretty good at it. He only falls when he swings hard.

"Let's play a game, 10 out of 10. Who ever loses have to tweet something weird on the other person Twitter." I said knowing that I would lose.

"You're on." Niall said shaking my hand.

About have was in the game, Niall was already at 8 and I was at 4. I got my phone and it to Niall.

"I quit. You win."

He got my phone and tweeted something laughing.

Once when I was 16, I had this huge crush on Niall Horan. I used spy on Niall Horan everyday. #creeper #NiallHoran #OneDirection

When we left, I read the tweet. I laughed at how he tried so hard to make it seem weird.

"Niall, want to hear a joke?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Why did the golfer where two pair of pants?"


"Because one had a hole in one!" I said laughing.

"What? That wasn't even funny." Niall said.

He knew it was funny. He just won't say it was. What an idiot?

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