You Can Borrow Mine

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You couldn't imagine a better night than swimming with Liam in his heated pool. You had still not gone swimming in it in awhile and suddenly you just felt like swimming. Well it wasn't that random, it started when you found your bathing suit. You've been married to Liam for a few months, and have been slow to unpack some of your boxes and things.

A lot of it you didn't unpack because you didn't need it. But that night you were rifling through one and stumbled across your bathing suit. "Liam! Let's go swimming!" "Right now?" he poked his head in your closet. By then you had already put on your swimsuit, and he stopped to admire your curves. "Let me get my suit, and I'll be out in a second." You did as he asked, and headed on out to the pool. It was a little cool outside, but since the pool was heated, it didn't matter.

You stepped in and enjoyed the warmth of the water on your feet. You stepped in slowly, the water up to your knees now. Behind you, you heard the back door to the house close. Then you heard Liam's feet hitting the ground quickly. And soon he flew past you, ran around the curve of the pool and dove into the deep end.

Soon his head popped up, and a grin was on his face. "Babe, why are you still standing there?" he called to you. He swam over to you, and stood in front of you. You were standing on the bottom step. He placed his wet hands on your hips. "Come on baby. I'll push you around on that raft. Don't make me throw you in." he taunted as he grinned. You giggled and stepped down fully into the pool.

Liam didn't step back, so your face collided with his warm wet hairy chest. (Not that you were complaining). He squeezed your hips, and let you go, and you began to swim around getting your hair wet. The inflatable raft was floating in the deep end of the pool, and you swam to get it. You brought it back to the shallow end, so you could get on it better.

Normally you'd get on the raft to tan, but since it was dark outside there was no need. Basically, you were just getting on this because that meant you lying on it, while Liam pushed you around on it. "Liam help me get on." you asked, and placed your hand on his shoulder to steady yourself, but without warning, he lifted you in his strong arms and placed you on the raft. You carefully rolled over onto your stomach so you could face Liam as he pulled you around.

His hands were on either side of your head gripping the plastic of the inflatable raft. And he faced you as he used his legs to keep his balance in the water. The two of you chatted as he swam, and you were so relaxed, just hearing him talk.

After awhile he stopped and stood behind you. You shivered when he ran his fingers across your back. "Liam." you could feel him untying your bathing suit top. "What?" The trails he made on your back rose goosebumps on your skin. It was already a little chilly outside, but his hands were not helping.

He chuckled darkly behind you seeing the goosebumps. "Cold babe?" you knew he was smirking. You sat up and got off of the raft to get into the warm water. You fixed your straps, and Liam swam over to you. He wrapped his arms around you, and you wrapped your legs around his waist.

You were face to face with him now. His arms gripped you tight and the warm water was nice. He leaned down and placed warm kisses on your neck. Sighing you leaned your head back. Right as he started to kiss your collarbones, you heard thunder. "Nooo I don't want you to stop." you sighed knowing that you'd have to go inside.

"Oh babygirl who said anything about stopping? We're just going in the house." You grinned at his response, and with you still wrapped around him, he carried you out of the pool. "Liam I forgot my towel." you shivered now that you were out of the pool and in the cold air.

"It's ok, you can borrow mine."

He wrapped his big towel around your shoulders, and you both darted in the house quickly as it began to rain heavily. Once you were both inside, Liam lifted you up again, your legs tightly around his waist. He continued the trail he was blazing with his lips, while his hands were on your back again.

Water was getting all over the floor and at the rate this was going your bathing suit may end up on the floor too.

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