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You stayed in the room all day waiting for Louis to get home and tell him the big news. You are expecting! You laid there trying to call him, but your phone calls kept going to voicemail. You just decide to wait some more. Which was 3 hours. He never stayed out like this so long. It wasn't normal. So you called Harry and asked him was they still at the studio and he said no. They left at 7:00 and it was 11:00. 

You began to get worried and tried to calm yourself down  but that didn't help at all. "Huney, You're sexy beast have arrive and ready to finish up thiss party!" Lou yelled coming through the door. Drunk. "You sighed and sat down on a stool in the kitchen. "Where have you been?" You said calmly. "Y/N, I was simply at the club getting my jam on. WHOP WHOP!" He yelled falling towards you. "Out of all nights, you had to come home drunk on this one. I am so annoyed with you baby acting butt."  You said rising your temper. 

"I'm annoying? Did I ever say anything thing to you when you would come home from work nagging your face off. Did I once say that you was annoying and so selfish and acting like your mother?" Lou said getting up and coming towards me. You laughed and got of the bar stool. You laughed because you haven't been at work since 2 years, you never kept nothing to yourself, and he never met your mother because she is die. "Sorry...that I'm not sorry!" You said walking upstairs and shutting the door.  You sat down on the bed and cried for the first time in a month. 

You heard footsteps walking  up the stairs and knocking on your bedroom door. "Y/N. Look. I'm sorry. I was only at the club tonight because I am stress. I have this feeling that me and you are falling apart. I knew you, but clearly I see that you may don't want me anymore. " Lou said coming and sitting on the bed beside you.  You looked down and wiped my tears. "You're stress, you should step in my shoes." You said smirking. 

"What do you mean?"

He said putting his hand on yours.

"You are not going to believe this, but I am a momma and you are a dadda!!" You said smiling. Lou jumped on the bed like a little kid who just been told Santa Clause wants them to be on of his elves.

"I love you." 

"I love you too, but I'm a little afraid that you will fall in love with another girl." You said coming into one of his hugs. 

"I will, and she will call you Mommy!"

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