Wild Things

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Parents. Always ruining the fun. I walked out the house that I could no longer called my home.  We just had an argument about my mum. My dad don't even want me seeing her.

Before my mum had me, they divorce because dad was always drunk and being an ass as usually.

I opened my car door and pulled out my keys. I drove to a club that was always opened until 5:00 a.m. I walked in and immediately show old fucks grinding up on other old fucks. Then there was the young fucks.

They continually buying drinks that can kill them or ruin their life.

I sat down on a bar stool and watch and listened. This music was getting annoyed. You can never tell when the the beat was about to drop.

"Need a drink?"

I turned around and show a tall dark figure.

"Three shots." I said forgetting about what I said early.

"Name is Harry." He said getting the shots.

"I didn't come here to make a friend." I said taking all shots. I watch the old fucks danced and the young fucks take more shots.

"Don't care. Whatcha doing here?" Harry said.

"Well, when my dad get home. I come here. I have a question. Why don't you have on an uniform like everyone else."

"You see I don't work here. I stand behind this counter and give drinks to mysteries."

"Why you call me a mystery?"

"Cause your eyes speak for you and your words hints venom in them."


"You want to be where the wild things are, don't you?" Harry said.

"To be honest. I really just want to escape reality like Wendy Darling."


"I should go. My dad will be looking for me."

"Don't leave with out your bill."

He give me a piece of paper that he wrote on.

"You spelled your name wrong."

He took the paper back and wrote something else.

I smiled at his little comment.

I walked out the door and smiled.

After 3 minutes, he caught up to me and turned me around.

"Do you want to see something wild?" He smiled and his dimples showed perfectly.

"Show me." I said taking his hand and leading me to a door.

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