Video Games

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Video words are like this.

   I sat down to play the new video game Pewdiepie suggest. It looked okay, but I can tell it was scary. The way the lights dimmed a rounded the character and the way screams was popping up out of nowhere.

I clicked play and began to read the caption. My room ceiling was leaking again, making a weird banging noise. I walked down the stairs and knocked on my landlord door. A banging noise being and a very slow knock on the door. I paused my game and opened the door. There was no one.

I continued knocking, but no one came to the door. I just went next door and asked if he was in. They said just walk in he doesn't mind.

My front door opened. I turned around and realized I probably left it opened without looking. I closed it sat back down on the couch. I picked up the stick and began playing.

I was walking around the apartment when I saw it. It was the landlord stating on her couch staring at her TV. At first, I didn't see it then it came to me. The landlord was me. She was in my outfit. Looking at my TV. Sitting on my couch. It was me inside the game.

The TV cut off. It went to a completely different this time it was my house. It was my couch and my TV. Soon I seen a dark mist coming towards the couch. Before it could do anything, the TV went back to the game.

Wow, the landlady seen really scared of something in the house. Maybe I'll go check on her before the night it over with.

I watched as the character continued to roam the halls of this creepy apartment complex. He walked back to his room and the camera switched to the landlady point of view. To me.

I need to get out of here. I have to find a way out of here before the Mist get me.

I looked around the landlady room for clues and accidentally knocked down a book. A book near the window fell onto the ground and opened to a page. As the same in the game.

We're Watching.

I didn't move. I couldn't. What was happening in the game was happening in my house. I need to find Louis. "Louis. Are you there?" I walked upstairs and knocked on the bathroom door. That's where Louis is most of the time.

No one. "Louis!" I cried out. The landlady started moving on her on. I could see it from the top on the stair. I ran down stairs and found the stick on the couch where I left it.

"We're watching!!

A face jumped out of the TV and I ran upstairs. I didn't turn back either. I made it to the top of the steps to see that black mist. I started having a panic attack and started running somewhere.

I stayed in the room for awhile. I had laughter coming from somewhere. It was down stairs. I walked downstairs to see Louis and Niall there. "Y/n was so scared, bro." Niall said.

"Yeah, let's just hope that fake cotton that's mist hold up long enough to 'scare' me." Lou said.

"How did you get the landlady to look like her?"

"Well I figure she would wear a summer jumpsuit. So I customized it. I knew Y/n wouldn't look at the back of the game box before playing. So that's how a got her. And when the TV hopped over. It was nothing but a recoding I made. The book falling onto the floor wasn't me though." Lou said.

"Oh that was me. I remembered you saying the landlady was always hearing we're watching. So I carved it into a book." Niall said. I walked down the stairs and there faces turned white.

"Well we know who is sleeping on the couch." I said turns Lou. And we k ow is NEVER coming back!" I yelled at Niall. I smiled a little. "Oh, and sleep with one eye open. Both of you."

"But I'm going home." Niall said.
"I know." I said backing up the stairs. "One eye open." I said over and over again until I was fully in the room. "One eye open." I said in my head.

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