Talk Me Down

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Get some paper towels for this one.

Y/n pov

He was different and in love with her. I was me and in love with him. Lou love Angel and not me. I stood at the frame and watch them hold hands with each other. They were happy, and I wasn't.

I pushed a smiled out as they kiss. He put the ring on her and she did him. Lou looked towards me and smiled. I forced a smile again. The wedding ended and it was the dancing part. "Jasmine. You look like a girl." Lou said acting surprised. "Congrats." I said looking away.

"Don't worry. I won't hurt her." He said taking my hand.

We danced and danced until it was the bride and groom dance. Angel smiled at me and said, "We can't share." I laughed as she took Lou away. "His gone. You'll find someone new." Harry said putting a hand on my shoulder.

"Do you remember the first you force me to meet Lou? I thought that he was gay until I meet his girlfriend. I was happy than and is happy now and that's all I want." I said pushing pass Harry. I walked towards the doors and looked back one more time. He was happy and I wasn't.

~ 12:00 ~

I walked out towards the bridge. I wipe away the tears as I sat there. The water turned and round around again and again. If was peaceful and safe and sound. I grabbed out my phone and called Lou. "Hello. Jasmine where are?" Lou said.

"Come and talk me down." I said hanging up and pulling off my dress and heels. The water slipped up on the bridge and went away. Here. Is. Where. It. Ends

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