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Everyone is here. From Louis to Freddie. Laughing and drinking eggnog and smoking. OK, I'm kidding on the smoking part. Sorta of.

"Hey y/n. Hurry up with ham." Harry yelled. "I'm sorry that I'm not Usian Bolt." I yelled back. The family laughed and I pulled the ham out of the oven. "Did you burn it again?" Liam said coming from behind.

"No, and I didn't burn it last year. It was just a little late coming out the oven." I said pushing off of me. "Or in the normal say of saying it: You burn the ham and it was dry."

Liam walked away and started laughing. I can't believe him. "Its okay y/n. I thought it tasted good." Niall said. "You think anything is good Niall." Harry said walking into the kitchen.

"Thanks Niall." I said, cutting the ham. "It looks good. It smell good, but does it taste good?" Liam said walking back in.

"Where's Lou?" I asked ignoring Liam. "In his car with Freddie." Niall said. "Watch the ham Harry." I said. I walked out the house to find Lou's car the fifth one down the road.

I knocked on the window slightly just in case Freddie was sleeping. "You're OK?" I asked.


"Because it's 46 degrees and your eyes are red." I said pointing that out.

"Hop in for a second." Louis said.
"Sure." I walked around the car and opened the door. I got I'm and Lou grabbed my hand. It scared me a bit. I didn't noticed at first, but it smelled like smoke.

"Lou, I thought you didn't smoke." I said.

"I quit." Lou said. Before I could say anything, Lou started to speak.

"I miss mum. I mean, she had to leave me right when it all matters. Right when its the most wonderful time of the year. Mum left right when it all matter." Lou said sobbing along the way.

"Lou, getting mad will not solve anything. It just makes you suffer more. It makes the guilt build in you more. I know what that feels like to lost a family member especially your parents." I said pulling Lou into a hug. He grabbed me up and pulled me into his lap.

"They're all putting on a fake smile in there. I can't take it." Lou said holding me. "No they're not. They know mum is in a better place and that she's happy. "I  know that, but it kills me." Lou said.

"Lou the night is almost over and plus mum would love to see us altogether." I said looking at him. Lou pulled up and smiled. I opened the car door and got off of Lou lap. "Let's go." I said pulling Lou out.

We walked in the house and our families was lined up in the kitchen getting food. "Thanks guys for waiting on us." Lou's said.

"So what?" Liam said. Liam is really showing his ass.

After eating, we all just sat around telling stories. Every 4 minutes, I looked at Lou. You can see the hurt in his eyes, but being around us made him strong.

"So y/n. I have my present for you." Liam said. "Oh yeah."

I grabbed the present and unwrapped it. I couldn't even talk. "What are those condoms for?" Harry asked getting up to see the gift.

"Y/n knows." I smiled and loomed at Lou. I mouth the words 'My idea'.

That's my brother. That's the Lou I know.

Merry Christmas!
                                  All The Love,

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