Concert Time

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Age: 6

I couldn't wait for the concert tonight. The boys was back on tour since the long month. Their album 'Aftermath' just came out and it sounds perfect.

"Y/N. Listen to me. Now when you make it there with Selena, you come straight to my room. Okay no lingering around."

Liam said kissing my forehead. "Got it, but I got a question. What if I want food and had to pee?" I said giving him a smirk. "You are despicable."

As Liam felt, Niall best friend, Selena, cane and got me. We will stay at her house until the concert. As we walked through her house trying to find my other shoe, I had to ask something important.

"So what are you and Niall? Are you just friends or are you friends with benefits?" I asked. She turned and squatted to my level.

"Me and Niall are just friends, honey. But I do have a crush on him."

I gasp and smiled. We found my shoe and went out to the car to go to the concert. When we made it, I did exactly what Liam told me to do. "Liam, the Queen of the world is here." I said with a major entrance. "Hey Y/N. Knock knock?" Harry said grabbing me from Selena's arms.

"Who's there?"

"The cow goes?"

"The cow goes who."

"No, the cow goes mooo!"

I looked at everyone in the room and laughed at their expression on their faces. "Really Harry? Again with the jokes." Lou said grabbing me and pushing me.

"Y/N. Where's my kiss?" Lou said. I kissed him on the cheek since he is my boyfriend. Niall was next grabbing me out of Lou's arms.

"Y/N, got any news for me." Niall said. We like to pretend we are spies and get information from people to tell each other.

"Someone have a crush on you and they just can't fight it." I said looking towards Selena's way, but Niall didn't get it. Last was Liam. He grabbed me and kissed my forehead.

"You are something, aren't you. Want something to eat?" Liam said grabbing some pizza. I took it and ate peacefully while everyone talked until they called them on stage.

I walked out into the crowd and saw so many people. Selena picked me up and put me on her head so I can see the boys. The concert started with Clouds. I sung along with every song. The boys played a little and Harry had to call me out.

"Awww. Look at that guys. Selena is here. And she's with Y/N." Harry said pointing towards us and at that moment Niall said in his mic, "I know what you mean now." He winked at us.

Liam looked up and blew a kiss at me and we both laughed. The crowd looked so confused. If only they (we) could see what goes down in the dressing rooms.

The rest of the concert was amazing and phenomeniall if you know what I mean.

Okay guys. I love you all for voting on my story and thanks for reading. And in case you haven't notice any ads. 'Aftermath' is One Direction' next album. Chapter 2 here we come!!!!

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