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You and Niall both hated rumours. Of course, who didn't hate rumours? Now, the paps would always come up with the most ridiculous lies surrounding you and Niall. It didn't bother you as much as it bothered Harry, and he would always get upset when a new rumour was made up about you.

'Is Y/N cheating on Niall?'

'Looks like Niall's gonna be a dad!'

'Y/N Y/L/N : "I'm only dating Niall for his money!"'

Now, you never really liked to accuse people or call them out, but this time, you had to say something about the issue. Niall had been on tour for the entire year, and yes, you trusted him with all your heart - but when you caught sight of Niall on Georgia Fowler's snapchat account, Niall being dressed in nothing but a robe, you couldn't help but suspect a little something. The conversation started off simple, really. But now, you were pissed, Niall was pissed, and emotions were just flying all over the place.

"I thought you trusted me! Do you honestly think I would cheat on you?"

"I do trust you, Niall! Dammit, I do! But what do you want me to think when you're staying in a little cabin with a Victoria's Secret model, dressed in a robe?!" You snapped, your grip on the coffee mug tightening as Niall looked at you from the couch.

"Wha- I just took a shower! You already know I usually wear only boxers after my showers, but I had a robe on! Which means I wanted nothing to do with her! Y/N, it's just a rumour!" Niall said sternly, fiddling with his rings.

"Do you even know what I've been hearing from everybody? They're telling me you took her back to the cabin, you had sex with her, and that you're only dating me to protect her from hate!" You whimpered, angry tears beginning to blur your vision.

"Baby, I - oh, Y/N." Niall stood up from the couch and walked over to you, immediately wrapping you up in a hug. He waited until you stopped struggling in his grip to press a kiss to your hair. "I love you. Okay? I love you. Only you." He said gently as you continued to sob into his chest, fisting the material of his shirt. "You're smart enough to know that it's just a rumour. I would never ever cheat on you, in a million years."

"Y-Yeah, but, like, she's a model, Niall! And I'm just Y/N, who goes to university, and gets average marks, and-"

"And I'm just Niall. Just Niall and just Y/N." Niall interrupted you, tilting your head up with a finger as he pressed a kiss to your lips. "Just us."

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