Johnny Cade Imagine

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I skipped to the Curtis' house in a good mood. It had been a long day at home and I hoped to see all of them there, I knew Darry, Soda, and Steve would be off work at this time. I didn't bother knocking but stopped before I heard something come out of the open window.

"Alright, yall caught me, I do like (Y/N)" Johnny's voice sighed.

What? this had to be a joke, I've liked Johnny since we were little! i waited a few minutes and walked in to see Dallas, Ponyboy, and Johnny sitting in the living room.

'Well, it's your lucky day man, here she is." Dallas smirked.

"Hey, (Y/N)." Ponyboy grinned at Johnny.

"Oh, uh, hey (Y/N)." Johnny mumbled.

"Hey you guys, Johnny can i talk to you? Outside?" I asked.

Johnny nodded and stood up while Dallas and Ponyboy "oood"

We stepped outside. "I heard what ya said, about likin' me. Is it a joke?"

Johnny's tanned face flushed red. "uh, no, (Y/N) it ain't. I do like you."



I gulped. Nervously, I replied, "I like you too."

"huh? you sure?' Johnny looked up.


"why? i'm never what I like, how can a girl like you like me?"

"I like everything about you."

Johnny smiled and quickly pressed his lips to mine. 'Will you be my girl then, doll?"

I nodded smiling too.

"Love's gonna suck, man" Dallas yelled from the open window

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