Marko Imagine (requested)

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Being a vampire hunter wasn't easy, especially doing it with my little brothers Edgar and Alan, their friend Sam, and my friend (Y/F/N). I think I'd be better off doing it myself, but they have gotten me out of some problems.

What made it even harder was that I had sort of a thing going with a vampire, his name was Marko, and no-one knew about, at least I hoped not.

It was night-time, and I tip-toed down the stairs hoping not to wake Edgar and Alan or our parents. I then noticed the TV was on, and I knew it was either Edgar, Alan, or both because of what they were watching. I sighed quietly and tip-toed to the door to leave.

"(Y/N)? Where are you going?" Edgar asked, turning around in the couch.

"What are you doing up?" I questioned, glancing to see Alan snoring on the recliner.

"I asked you a question first."

"Edgar, I don't have anything to explain to you. I'm your older sister. But, if you need to know, I'm going to (Y/F/N)'s house." I lied.

"Alright, but if mom and dad wake up, I'm not covering for you."

"Please," I started, thinking of our parents who were probably high as a kite and knocked out, "They won't."

a/n: ok so like the lady and man in the comic book shop who have john lennon glasses and are sleeping im pretty sure those are edgar and alan's parents so (in the move)

(Time skip)

It was close to 10:00 and I was waiting on the boardwalk for Marko. I almost fell asleep myself when Marko suddenly appeared beside me. Damn vampires are always doing that.

"Hey," He said. "I almost thought you weren't coming."

"Well, I did."

"You got a stake or anything?" He smirked.

"Maybe," I joked. "No."

"Okay, good. Well, David, Dwayne and Paul are all out so we have the cave to ourselves. Let's go,"

(Time skip)

We got to the cave and sure enough no-one was there.

Marko got a wine bottle out of a mini fridge and some glasses. He poured the wine into them and handed me one.

"Thanks," I said.

"No problem, beautiful. Anyway, what should we do this fine night?"

I knew exactly what he meant. "I don't know, maybe you have an idea."

Marko came over and sat beside me, setting his glass down on a table. "I guess I do,"

(time skip bc i am very awkward at writing suggestive things i apologize)

We layed down under a blanket about to fall asleep when we heard cackling.

"Oh shit, (Y/N), wake up" Marko whispered, jumping up, throwing my clothes at me.
'What?" I whispered back, grabbing them.

"They're back, hurry get dressed and go hide somewhere."

I quickly got dressed and ran and hid under Marko's bed.

Marko got dressed way before me somehow, then i remembered he was a vampire, silly me.

"Hey, Marko, you been here all night?" I could heard David ask.

"Uh, yeah, just relaxing."

"You relaxed all day?" Paul asked confused.

"Heh, yeah." Marko laughed nervously.

"What's going on here?" David questioned, looking around.

"Yeah, you always like coming to those parties and feeding." Dwayne said, sitting down and lighting a joint along with Paul.

"I know, guys, I'll go tomorrow, just, I was really tired." Marko responded.

David got closer to where I was hiding and I held my breath. Who knew what he would do if he found me, probably kill me since I didn't have any weapons to defend myself. Would Marko let him do that?

"Hey, guys, tell ya what, its still dark out, lets go find some surf nazis or something, I'll meet you outside!" Marko said panicked like. He pushed David, Dwayne and Paul outside. I could hear them protesting.

Once they where gone, Marko came to where I was hiding and helped me up. "Don't worry, they didn't see you," he kissed me on the head.

"How am I supposed to get out?" I asked.

"I'm really sorry, (Y/N), but I told them I'd be out in 5 minutes. You'll just have to leave once we're gone. I promise I'll make it up to you." Marko planted a kiss on my lips.

"Okay, you better."

He laughed. "I will, promise."

'Hurry up Marko! Or I'm coming in there!" David yelled loudly from outside.

Marko winked and kissed me again, then ran at the speed of light outside,.

a/n: Wow this kinda sucked sorry :(

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