Gordie LaChance Imagine for Samantha

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a/n: it feels like im writing an imagine for myself tbh, same name buddies

It was believably hot in Castle Rock today, but I wanted to get out of the house and go on a walk anyways. I started thinking about school again, I had just moved here, I wondered if it would be good. I was starting junior high and I had college courses.

Suddenly I bumped into someone fairly tall and fell down.

"Watch where you're goin', kid." I looked up and saw a guy in a black t-shirt, jeans, and platinum blonde hair, with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"Sorry," I mumbled.

"Whatever." He responded, continuing to walk down the sidewalk. I got up and watched him go into a pool place.

"Hey, are you alright?" A gentle voice asked.

I turned around to see a boy about my age with brown hair and pretty brown eyes to match.

"Yeah, I'm okay," I responded, dusting myself off.

"He's kinda a jerk," The boy said. 'I'm Gordie."

"I can tell. And I'm Samantha." I smiled.

"Did you just move here? Ive never seen you around." Gordie said.

"Yeah, we did, just a few weeks ago. I thought I'd come and out and see stuff before school started."

"School starts in a week. I'm a little upset. My friends all have shop courses, but I have college ones.'

"Me too!" I exclaimed. "At least I'll know someone."

Gordie's eyes lit up, then three boys started to call his name. He turned and looked across the street then back to me. "I gotta go. I'll see you soon, though!"


It was the first day of school and my mom dropped me off. Soon the bell rang to get to first hour.

I noticed Gordie sitting in a desk. I took one beside him.

"Oh, hey Samantha." Gordie smiled.

"Hey, Gordie."

The teacher came in and started talking.


It got to be lunch time and Gordie offered me to sit with him and his friends. I hoped they wouldn't think it was weird.

They were named Chris, Teddy, and Vern, and were really nice except Teddy.

"Gordie, why'd you bring a girl over here? She don't know nothin'," Teddy scoffed.

"Oh come on Teddy," Chris rolled his eyes.

"Yeah teddy!" Vern exclaimed, eating cherry pez.

"I'm gonna go sit over there, then." I glared at Teddy and got up, walking over to girls I met in another class.

"Hey, Samantha, wait!" I turned around to see Gordie.

"Teddy didn't mean anything by that,"

"Sure," I responded.

"Samantha, I know we met a week ago, but you're really something special. You're pretty and nice, I think I like you. It's stupid, I know, but just give me a chance?"

I blushed. "I like you, too, Gordie. It's not stupid."

Gordie smiled. "After school, do you wanna hang out? Just the two of us?"

"I'd love that." I replied, trying to keep myself from turning an redder.

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