Micheal J. Fox for Siri

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For Ifoundaway

"Siri!" My boyfriend Micheal sang throughout the house.
We were playing hide n seek. Childish, but, we were bored and couldn't agree on something to watch on television.
I covered my mouth to make sure he couldn't hear me laugh. I was hiding in the hall closet, covered in a blanket. My heart was thumping. You know, the suspense of being found?
"My sugar pie honey bunch-" Michael's voice got closer.
The closet door swung open and I all of a sudden shook with laughter.
"SIRI!" Michael yelled, grabbing the blanket and tossing it behind him.
I laughed and crawled out and he wasted no time in beginning to tickle my sides.
"NO MICHEAL, STOP!" I cackled.
"SAY YOU LOVE ME!" Michael laughed.
We had only been dating for about two months. Was it to early.
"AGh-" his fingers continued to dance across my sides.
He wouldn't stop. "Oh, Micheal! I love you!"
"That's what I wanted to hear. I love you too, Siri." He stopped and picked me up off the floor.
I fell in his arms, absolutely exhausted. We had ran and chased each other for hours.
"Do you really love me?" I asked.
"Yes. Do you really love me?"
I nodded, gazing into his blue eyes.
He kissed me sweetly on the nose.
"I had fun, but now I think it's time we relaxed."
I nodded, desperate to just lie down.
"I'll go make some food. You go find a good movie for us to watch."
I kissed his jawline and we parted ways, him to the kitchen and me to the living room.
A little bit later, Michael brought in a plate of sandwiches and potato chips, plus some soda pop, and we were watching Revenge of The Nerds.
I always had fun when I was with Micheal.

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