Teddy Duchamp for Camryn

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Teddy Duchamp Imagine for Camryn
Pretend Teddy's older in this like 20, okay
Teddy and I have been arguing a lot lately, on various topics. But today was the first time he ever accused me of cheating on him.
"Camryn, just stop talking! Shut up! I know you cheated on me-"
"Don't tell me to shut up! I'm so tired of this! All we ever do is argue, I'm done, Teddy." I snapped.
"WELL THEN WHY DON'T YOU FUCKIN' LEAVE!" Teddy screamed in my face.
I flinched because I thought he was going to hit me, that's something he's never done, and I didn't want it to start today.
I pushed him away from me. "FINE, I THINK I WILL!" I screamed back at him and went over to grab my purse from the table. I began to walk quickly to the door when Teddy grabbed my wrist a little too rough.
"Where do you think you're going, Camryn?"
I held back a yelp because Teddy's grip hurt.
"Let go of me right now." I growled calmly. He let go and I slammed the front door open, then began to run to my car.
I decided to stay at my parents house. I didn't tell them why, because I didn't want them to see Teddy as a bad guy. He really wasn't, he just had a terrible temper. I did have a bruise on my wrist where he had grabbed it, and when my mom asked, I said I fell.
I wonder if Teddy still loved me. The way we has fought, I highly doubt it.
It was 4 days later when Teddy showed up. My parents went out and I was sulking in bed when I heard a knock downstairs.
I got up, without makeup or my hair brushed, I went downstairs and opened the door.
"Teddy?" I said.
"Camryn, I'm so sorry. I made a mistake. I took my anger out on you. I know you didn't cheat on me. Man, I'm such an idiot. I love you. Please take me back?" His eyes looked bloodshot like he had been crying.
"I never broke up with you." I offered a small smile.
Teddy looked down at my purple wrist. "Oh my god, did I do that? Camryn I'm so so so sorry. I don't deserve you. I'm an abusive asshole, just like my dad, I promise to never hurt you again."
I gave him a hug. "Ssh, Teddy, no you're not. You just need anger management counseling. Maybe we just need couples counseling. But I really don't wanna lose you. I love you too.'
"I went to Gordie for love advice." Teddy said after a while.
"Yeah, you know how he's a writer. He even writes love stories sometimes. So why not?"
I laughed and kissed his cheek. Teddy was my beautifully, broken, soulmate.

Hope you liked it!

Extremely Long A/N (I really need to stop putting these but I'm kinda venting so I'm sorry) : I hate my Mamaw (again, that means grandma) so much I'm not even kidding (go ahead call me a horrible person, I know I am)
I was talking to my mom about River and my Mamaw just jumps into the conversation like "you can't love him hes dead. He's not even a person anymore. He's dust." And when she says stuff like that it feels like my stomach is burning, but I can't talk back to her or else I get slapped or get my hair pulled...wow okay its like no one I know irl understands why I love River so much and they just make fun of me for it (mostly my Mamaw) & when I talk about Duran Duran (my favorite band but also led zeppelin etc..) She just has to join in and say something like "they're too old for you, arent they dead? Hahahaa! you need to knock it off! you'll never meet them etc." And she says my name like "samanthur" or she says it in like a disgusted way when everyone else calls me Sammy. All my other cousins are golden children who can do no wrong but then I'm just over there as the s "bipolar hippie tree hugger" and she literally wants Donald Trump as president. What does that tell you.

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