wyatt donnelly

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Wyatt Donnelly

*chews my cereal to the beat of I Wanna Be Your Lover by Prince*
I thought this book needed a Wyatt Imagine!!

I was bored out of my mind in gym, skipping around with a jump rope.
My friend, (Y/F/N), was about to tell me something when suddenly a loud voice boomed from the front entrance of the gym.
It grew deadly silent as everyone, including me, looked to see what was going on. And there stood cute little nerds; Gary Wallace and Wyatt Donnelly with their gym shorts around their ankles, their tidy whities visible in all their glory.
"Hey, we're really sorry-" Wyatt started as they pulled up their shorts, but Gary gave an extremely nervous grin and clamped his hand over his mouth and pulled him away.
Once they were gone, the gym erupted in laughter and talking. I didn't laugh, only because I've had a crush on Wyatt since the 4th grade.
At lunch, the incident was forgotten. I walked past Gary and Wyatt's table to go to my friend's table when I heard, "I'm so embarrassed, (Y/N) will never like me now, not after that at least." Wyatt said to Gary in a hushed voice.
"Wyatt, its gonna be okay. How do you think I feel? Those jerks,"
I decided now was the time to break it to him that I did in fact like him.
"Wyatt? Can I talk to you over there?" I asked politely, walking back over to their table.
"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, sure." Wyatt stuttered as I led him to the empty side of the cafeteria.
"Is it true?"
"Is what?" He gave me a nervous, confused look, his beautiful brown eyes looking at the floor.
"That you like me?"
He snapped his head up and looked me in the eyes. "Do I? Oh god, (Y/N), did you hear me talking to Gary?"
I bit my lip, holding back a smile. "Yeah, I just need to know its true..."
Gary gulped, and said with his voice cracking, "yeah, its true, alright."
I put my hands on his shoulders and smashed my lips to his, a little too rough, so I lightened it after we got into the rhythm. At first he didn't kiss back, but then he put his hands on my waist and did. He didn't have experience, but I'd have to say it was the sweetest kiss ever.
I pulled away and smiled at him, his face full of shock.
"I like you too, Wyatt. Since the 4th grade,"
Then I walked back to my table.

A/N: I probably need to stop putting these cause I know y'all don't care 😂 ANYWAY my uncle is probably like the coolest person ever, he's teaching me how to fix up cars 💪, we have the same taste in music (oldies), and he's had a bunch of 1920s, 1940s, '60s, '70s and '80s cars that he's fixed up and sold, he's also gonna teach me how to drive in his 1920s coupe 😎 and like hes so good at fixing cars? He showed me a bunch of pictures of old worn down classic cars/trucks etc that he's bought and fixed up & they looked brand new
My dream car is a '46 Chevy truck 😍
Sorry this was a long authors note 😂

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