Ace Merrill Imagine (requested)

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A/n- that pic tho

The only good that came out of being Charlie Hogan's sister was his gorgeous friend, Ace Merrill. I've liked him for as long as I can remember. I knew he didn't like me back, though.
Me and Charlie were in the living room watching TV when the doorbell rang.
"(Y/N), get that please." Charlie said without his eyes leaving the screen.
"Fine." I signed going and opening the door. There stood Ace.
"Hey beautiful, whatre you doing?"
"Oh uh, not much, come in. Are you here to see Charlie?"
Ace smirked "no. I'm here to see you."
I went into the living room and Ace followed. charlie was gone!
"Charlie???" I yelled.
"Goin out with the cobras! Have fun! Later!" Then I heard the door slam
"Oh. Um, you wanna watch tv?"
"Sure." Ace replied and we sat down.
Time skip
Ace started flirting with me and I knew I must be red as a tomato.
Why was he flirting? All of a sudden?
"Ace! It's been long enough. Let's go!" Charlie screamed from outside.
"Yeah!' Another one of his friends named Eyeball screamed too.
" shoot, well I'll catch ya later doll."
Suddenly I felt his lips on mine. He pulled away and I stared in shock.
Ace laughed "I know you dig me." Then he was out the door.
I still couldn't believe it even after I called my friend and told her all about it. What was to become of me and my dream guy Ace Merrill?

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