darry curtis

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Darry Curtis imagine

A/N: holy shit Richard Marx is 👌👌😍
I sat in the Curtis house, where I lived now. Me and Darry had been dating since 11th grade now and he asked me to move in with him and his younger brothers, Ponyboy and Sodapop, once we graduated. I of course said yes, and its a really interesting household, especially with one of their gang, either Johnny Cade, Dallas Winston, Two-Bit Mathews, or Steve Randle (or all) of them coming in, I was always entertained.
But right now the house was quiet. I stayed in reading the newspaper with the TV playing the background. Darry, Soda, and Steve were at work, while Dallas, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Two-Bit went to the Dingo. They asked if I wanted to come, but honestly, I wanted to stay in tonight (what a loser jk).
It was now 6 PM. Soda and Steve didn't get off until 8, but Darry should be done roofing houses by now, unless he went to see them at the DX station.
Just then, the front door opened and Darry walked in, sweating and looking worn out, his black T-shirt clung to his body, showing off his sculpted muscles.
"Dar? You okay?" I asked, standing up.
"Yeah, (Y/N). I'm okay, just tired."
"Did you carry two bundles of roofin' up the ladder again? Oh, Darry-"
Darry gave me a rare smile. "No, hunny, only one at a time. I just need a shower."
"Okay, you hungry? I made dinner, its in the kitchen."
"Okay, I'll eat after I shower. Thanks,"
"You're welcome. I love you," I stated.
"Love you too," Darry went into the bathroom and closed the door. I heard the water begin to run as I sat down and sighed, running my hands through my hair.
I wish Darry didn't have to work so hard, I knew they had it rough when I started dating him in highschool, even when he was a star football player and popular. His parents had passed from their car with them in it got hit by a train after we had graduated. His now seventeen year old brother had to drop out and begin working at the gasoline station. That's hard on them, on anybody. Maybe I should get a job... I'll talk to Dar about it.
After a while, Darry went to go lie down and Ponyboy walked in, without any of the gang.
"Hey, Pony, where's the guys?" I asked.
"The Nightly Double, I saw Cherry there and didn't wanna go.." He sighed.
He had a crush on the Soc, Cherry, but was too nervous to talk to her regularly, and since we were what you called Greasers, he said it was out of the chance of them dating. Poor Pony, he was fourteen and she was his first crush.
Pony sat down in Darry's recliner and propped his feet on the coffee table.
"Oh, Ponyboy, you have a hole in the toe of your shoe," I said. "Do you need new ones?"
"Its okay, (Y/N). They'll be good for a few more months. Besides, our money is tight."
I sighed, getting up to go check on Darry.
"Don't I know it?" I sighed, ruffling his greased hair. "It'll get better Pony."
He smiled and took one his books of the end table and flipped to his page. I walked in mine and Darry's bedroom. I shut the door behind me.
"Darryl?" I said softly, seeing it looked like he was asleep already.
"Hmm?" He mumbled as I sat down beside him.
"Can we talk?"
"Sure, baby, what's goin' on?"
"Darry... You're always so stressed from working so much, and I know Soda is too... Maybe... Its time for me to get a job to bring in more money? Pony needs new shoes and..."
"Shh, (Y/N), just let us stick to the working, alright? Soda likes working at the DX cause Steve's there too... Its okay, I'll buy Ponyboy some new shoes, I got payed today. I just want you to relax. I love you."
"Darry, i-"
He sat up and kissed me. "What did I just say, (Y/N)?"
"I know. I just don't want you to think I don't care, because I do. I love you so much, and I love your family."
"We love you too. In fact," Darry turned and pulled something out of the nightstand drawer. He closed it back up and got down on one knee in front of me.
"Oh my... Darry?" I whispered.
"(Y/N)... The years I have spent with you have been amazin'. I love you so much, its crazy. I couldn't help falling in love with you. Will you marry me?"
I jumped off the bed and he stood up, and I engulfed him in a hug.
"Yes, Darry, of course I'll marry you!" I cried.
I could hear the front door slam, and the once quiet house boomed with the voices of wild boys.
"C'mon, (Y/N), let's go tell the boys about how you're my wife and I'm your husband." Darry grinned, grabbing my hand and slipping the beautiful ring on my ring finger.

Shit this was long?¿
Send in some requests, I'm trying to write them in a decent amount of time ;)

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