Corey Haim (requested)

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I sat in my assigned seat in math class, listening to the teacher talk about how to find the volume of a cone.
My attention wasn't on that, though, because I was busy looking at Corey Haim, the boy who I've had a crush on since the 2nd grade. Now that we're in 10th, we talk a little more, but that's about it.
I watched him talking to his best friend, Corey Feldman. The two Corey's. Corey F. was nice and sweet, but Corey H. was that times 100.
Someone must've saw me staring at him because they nudged him and he looked back. He smiled, and I quickly turned away back to my work.
After class, I was making my way to my locker to get my stuff to go home.
"Hey, (y/n), wait up!" I turned around and saw Corey making his way towards me.
"Um, yeah?" I asked once he was in front of me.
"Do you gotta date to the formal? Inquiring minds wanna know." (Lol)
"Oh," I laughed at his remark. "I don't. Why?"
"Cause I was wondering if you wanted to go with me." He smiled shyly.
"Definitely." I blushed, writing my number on a scrap paper.
"I'll call you." He grinned.

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