teddy duchamp

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Teddy Duchamp

"EEEEEEEEEE!" Teddy laughed his signature laugh that sounded a lot like a nail scratching against a chalkboard.
"SHUT UP, TEDDY!" I yowled.
"YOU ARE IN LOOOOVE WITH VERNO, AREN'T YOU! EEEEEE!" He was doubled over on the floor of my bedroom, wheezing with over dramatic laughter, he came over since my parents went out.
Teddy somehow got the crazy idea that "I was in love with Vern". How? I don't know. Vern was like my brother.
"I SAID SHUT UP, YOU WET END!" I got on top of him and was about to punch him right in the face. I plucked his Buddy Holly type glasses right off his face and threw them on my bed.
"Shit! (y/n), I can't see!" He stopped laughing and was squinting at me. I did know how technically blind he was.
"So? Stop making up lies about me! I do not love Vern!"
Teddy squirmed and pushed me off with hard force with his hands and feet. I fell back on the carpet roughly.
"Where are my glasses, (Y/N)." He said in a low, angry voice.
I sighed and stood up and picked them off the bed. I walked back over and put them on his face.
He sighed contently and sat peacefully on my desk chair.
"(Y/N), you don't get it."
"Get what?" I snapped. He had made me pretty furious.
"I only say that stuff because I like you. I maybe even love you," he said quietly.
I calmed down. "You do?"
He nodded and I walked over and suddenly grabbed the collar of his army green t shirt and smashed my lips onto his. I was only 15 (older than 12 ok) so was he, and this was my very first kiss.
"Wow," he said once I pulled away out of breath.
My face was still in front of his and I smiled.
"I like you, too, Duchamp. Maybe I even love you, too."

Hey y'all I know I'm '70s/80s af, but Aaron Paul aka Jesse Pinkman in Breaking Bad is my husband ok

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