Keanu Reeves for Emma

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For 80sweirdo
A/N: I don't know a lot about hockey, I've only played it twice so I hope this is okay

I watched him skid gracefully across the rink from where I sat in the bleachers.
Keanu Reeves.
The boy every girl wanted, every guy wanted to be like.
But he was mine.
"KEANU! KEANU! KEANU! KEANU!" people chanted as he scored. I jumped up and cheered with everyone else. His team won!
He skated over to where I was and just grabbed me by the shoulders and kissed me gently.
I put my hands on the back of his neck and kissed him back, not caring if everyone saw.
I was proud that I had him.
"I gotta go change. I'll meet you back out here in ten, alright?" He said once we pulled away, looking all sweaty but still super attractive.
"I love you, Emma." He said, raising an eyebrow and smiling.
"I love you, too."
He smiled and left to go change.
Afterwards, we went out to dinner.
We ate and just talked, and I found more reasons to why I loved Keanu. He was caring, smart, compassionate, and sweet.
I couldn't have been any happier.

A/N: this was pretty short so I apologize :/

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