Ferris Bueller Imagine

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Ferris had pretended to be sick again so we could go sight seeing like we did the last time. This time, though, Sloane and Cameron wouldn't be going with us. I was kinda glad, because i knew Sloane didn't like me. Ferris said, "they'd rather go to school and be bored out of their minds."
Ferris' parents left and so did mine for work. Ferris picked me up and we started to drive away.
"I was thinking we could go to the park first, and just sit and look at the ducks or something."
"Okay, why not?" I agreed.
So we sat at the park for a while watching ducks. And people watching.
"(Y/n), I broke up with Sloane."
"Really? Why?"
"I knew I really loved someone else." Ferris gave me a small smile.
I felt my heart speed up as I quietly asked, "who is it?"
"Its... You, (y/n)."
Ferris leaned in and kissed me on the cheek. "I don't wanna move to quickly, but will you be my girlfriend?"
"Of course. But you know Sloanes gonna kill me." I blushed.
"No she won't. Not if I have a say."

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