Edgar Frog for Annie

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Edgar Frog Imagine for Annie (requested)
For @fadingfeldman 😉 enjoy!
Annie's P.O.V
I walked along the boardwalk with Edgar, we stopped to lean over the fence and watch the ocean waves crash against the sand. For once, it didn't smell like death. Maybe it was Edgar's cologne that covered it up.
The setting sun was shining on the water, making it sparkle. I looked over at Edgar and just admired him, seeing as he looked really interested in the occasional fish jump out and back. I've always liked Edgar more than a friend, but he just never showed any interest in me... His brother, Alan, did though, and I won't lie. Alan was adorable, handsome actually. But I longed for Edgar to tell me he loved me, or to just give me a sign.
Edgar looked over and raised an eyebrow. "Why are you staring at me?"
"I was?" I felt embarrassed immediately.
"Yeah, kinda." He said sarcastically. Oh, his sarcasm. Its never absent in his everyday conversations.
"Sorry," I blushed, quickly turning back the the ocean.
Edgar's P.O.V
I smirked once Annie turned away. I looked at her for another minute, then looked back to the the ocean myself. The ocean reminded me of her eyes. They sparkled like diamonds, like water when the sun shone on it... I liked her. I really did. Ever since I met her. But I couldn't ever tell her. No one knew I had a thing for her, not even Alan or Sam. It was too embarrassing, because I knew she would reject me. I'm supposed to be this brave vampire hunter that can face anything. But Annie made my knees weak, made my hands sweat, made my heart speed up. It was a really weird feeling. I've never gotten so worked up over a girl.
Annie's P.O.V
"Let's head back?" I asked for the second time, tapping Edgar on the shoulder.
"Hm? What?" He finally answered, seeming deep in thought.
"I said, can we go back? What were you so lost in thinking about?" I asked in confusion.
"Oh, um, nothing. Yeah, let's get you home."
He turned and started to walk off. God, he was such a loner sometimes. I caught up to him and gave him a small smile, I wished again he would just kiss me.
2 days later
I decided to go over to Edgar and Alan's. I grabbed my bike and started to ride it over to their house, that was a street over.
Once I got there, I knocked on the door. A few minutes later, Alan answered.
"Oh, hey, Annie. Come in."
I smiled and said hi, then walked in.
"Edgar's still asleep." Alan said, walking over to the couch and sitting down. I went and sat beside him.
"That's okay. Maybe I came to see you."
Alan looked confused for a moment, then returned back to normal.
"Well, I don't blame you there."
We sat in silence for a moment.
"Annie." Alan said quietly.
I looked over only to feel Alan's soft lips smash into mine.
I was shocked and wide eyed a first, but I immediately melted in the kiss. I placed my hands on the back of his neck, and he pulled me closer by the waist. Well, if Edgar didn't like me, Alan was the next best thing (omg).
It was getting pretty heated, and Alan started to pull on my bottom lip and pull me even closer.
Edgar's P.O.V
Today was the day. I was going to tell Annie I liked her. Yesterday made me realize I couldn't keep it in any longer. I looked in my mirror, making sure my shirt and jeans looked good. They did. I then checked my hair and teeth, deciding they looked good too. I checked my breath and inhaled in and out, trying to calm my nerves.
"This is it, Edgar, don't turn pussy now." (I kinds feel like Teddy would say that tho).
I gulped and made my way out of the bathroom and down the stairs. I made it to the living room and my blood turned cold at what I saw. Alan and Annie were on the couch. Alan was on top of Annie and they were sucking each others faces like octopuses.
I stood there frozen. Thinking about whether or not I should say something or run back upstairs and pretend it never happened.
I lost my mind and walked over to the couch. I hit the top cushion lightly.
"What the hell are you two doing?!?!" I yelled.
Annie pushed Alan off, they both looked scared.
"I-um- Edgar-" Alan started
"You shut your whore mouth!"
Alan stood up and raised his hands in defeat. "Why are you so mad?"
"BECAUSE I LOVE HER!!!!" I screamed.
Annie looked at me with sadness in her eyes. "You... You love me?"
I breathed. "Yeah. I do. But I can see it doesn't amount to anything right now."
"I'm so sorry, Edgar, you never told me and I-" Alan began.
I found a new sudden calmness. "Its okay, man, you couldn't have known."
"I'm gonna go and leave you two alone." Alan sighed and walked out.
I started to walk back to my room but Annie pulled me back.
"Edgar, I love you."
"Then why were you kissing my brother?"
"I didn't know you felt this way about me! How could I? You never acted like you loved me, and I couldn't tell you because what if you just laughed and told me I wasn't what you wanted or needed?"
"You're so naive, Annie. I was waiting for the right time."
"What're we gonna do? I love you. I love you so much." Annie began to cry. I quickly went to her side and hugged her.
"I want us to be a couple, but we're just gonna have to wait a little bit. Let me get over this. It was really hard to see you and Alan. And don't cry, alright? Its okay."
Annie buried her face in my chest. I could feel her tears begin to soak through my shirt.
We stayed this way for an hour. We didnt say anything. She just cried and I just rubbed her back. I wish we wouldn't have found out we loved each other in a less hurtful way.
Because all I could think of right now was, darling, did I use to love you, or do I still love you?

A/N: hey feel free to tell me this was trash
Also I'm working on a Teddy imagine (& others) that were requested so stay tuned :)

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