Dallas Winston Imagine

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I walked the streets of Tulsa with Dally.
He took a drag from his cigarette and offered it to me, I took it from him and puffed, then gave it back.
"So, (y/n), anythin' planned this weekend?"
"No, not really. Just gonna do what I always do. Run with Pony after school on Friday, yanno, the usual, well, watch him run."
Dally chuckled, throwing the cigarette on the ground. He stomped on it and continued walking. "You wanna go to the Nightly Double with me and the guys?"
"Yeah, sounds great."
"Alright. How about I pick you up from school on Friday? You and Pony can always "run" later."
"Okay," I smiled up at him, Dally being about 5 inches taller than me. He smiled back at me, a genuine one, which was rare to get from him.
"Good," he replied, looking deep into my eyes for a moment. He then looked away back to the front of him. I felt butterflies in my stomach, but ignored it.
"You have real pretty eyes," Dally said.
"Ya heard me," he smirked.
"Yours are real pretty, too." I blushed.
We walked in silence for a while until Dally spoke again. "I broke up with Sylvia again... 2 weeks ago. Just kept it on the down low."
"Really? How come?" I asked, shocked.
"Ol' broad was cheatin' on me again,"
"I'm sorry." I said.
"Whyre you sorry for?"
We finally got to the lot and sat down. Johnny must've been at the Curtis'.
"'Cause you don't deserve it, she's cheated on you bunches of times."
"Yeah, I know." Dally sighed. "I'm done with 'er this time."
"Did you get your ring back?"
"Nah, I didn't want it."
"Oh." I noticed me and Dally were sitting pretty close together, our legs touching.
"You've never had a boyfriend, have you?"
I looked down. "No."
"Ain't nothin' to be embarrassed about.. You're a fine little thing, you'll find someone." Dally draped an arm around my shoulders.
"Little? I ain't little." I was 15, while Dally was 17.
"Alright, whatever ya say."
"And that's what I say." I crossed my arms.
Dally smiled that smile at me again, a genuine one.
We all walked to the Nightly Double that Friday, even Darry, which was surprising.
Two-Bit was currently telling me about some guy he thought I should see.
"He's so greasy, he glides when he walks!"
"And you're tryin' to set me up with him? You must be crazy, Two."
Two Bit laughed, ruffling my hair.
"Yeah, Two-Bit, we all know (Y/N) likes-" Pony started, but I gave him a look.
"Likes no one." I started. Pony's ears turned red, he knew that I liked Dally, but it was hopeless.
Two-Bit lightly punched me, Pony, and Johnny's shoulders, then went over to Steve.
Johnny gave me a confused look. "Why don't ya just tell Dal, (y/n)? The worse he could do is say no."
"And that he will."
"You don't know that, why not try?" Pony asked.
Suddenly, Dally came and got Johnny in a head lock. "Hey, little ones."
"Ah, shut up." Johnny said, once Dally let him go.
"Ooh, Johnnycake." I laughed.
"What?" Johnny grinned.
"Gettin' sassy." Pony chuckled.
"Alright, alright." Dally said, handing Johnny, Pony, and me a ciggerette.
Sodapop, Darry, Steve, and Two-Bit sat on the other side of the seats in front. Me, Dally, Pony, and Johnny sat on the other side, in the back. They were playing a beach movie.
I sat in between Dally and Johnny, Pony beside Johnny. Then, two Soc looking girls sat in front of us. One had long red hair, the other with short black hair.
Dallas turned back to his usual self, and started flirting (in his way) with the redhead. I tried ignoring it, and focused on the movie.
"Hey, you alright?" Johnny whispered. I turned to see him and Pony staring at me.
"Mhm, why?" I whispered back.
Pony motioned to Dally whispering in the red heads ear, while Johnny stared at me with his big puppy dog brown eyes, that I always thought we're cute.
"Get lost hood!" The red head yelled at Dally.
A few minutes later, there was a loud bang, and we looked over to see Dallas had feel out of his seat.
Everyone, including me laughed. Dallas got up,
"I know when I'm not wanted." He then started to walk away.
"Is he drunk?" I whispered to Johnny.
"I think so." Johnny whispered back.
The redhead turned around. "What are y'all doin hangin around with trash like that?"
"Dallys our buddy, we're greases too." Pony spoke up.
That's how Greaser laws always were. You stick up for your friends no matter how bad they were.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know." She stated nicely.
We found out her name was Cherry and her friend was Marcia. They were Socs. Pony went to go get popcorn.
"Dallas Winston, huh? Is he your boyfriend?" She asked me.
I shook my head. "No, just a friend."
'How does a girl like you become friends with someone like him?"
"I grew up with him, I guess." I smiled.
Pony came back, then Dally did with six cokes. He handed one to me, winked, then handed one to Johnny, Pony, Marcia, then Cherry. He sat next to her. "Thought this might cool you off."
I rolled my eyes.
So quickly, Cherry threw her coke in Dallas' face. "Maybe that'll cool you off, greaser, when you learn to talk and act decent I might cool off too!"
I turned to Pony and Johnny, who gave me wide eyes.
"C'mon, baby," Dally leaned over her.
"Get off! Get off of me!"
"C'mon Dal." Johnny said, standing up. "Leave 'er alone."
"What?" Dallas turned around, looking angry. "What'd you say to me, you little shit?"
Johnny gulped. "I said leave er alone."
"Dont you talk to him like that, Dallas!" I narrowed my eyebrows.
Dallas gave me a look then stood up, pushing the chair back.
"Sit down, hood!"
Dallas waved angrily, then stormed off.
"I'm gonna go talk to him, catch y'all later?" I said to Pony and Johnny. I got up quickly and sped walk to Dally, who was already out on the dark street.
"Dallas." I called. "Dallas!"
Dally stopped then turned around. "What." He said coldly.
"Are you okay?"
"No. Now why don't you leave me alone, (y/n)? You 15 year old kid. Just go on, go with Johnny and Pony, you're all little kids anyway."
"Screw you Dallas!" I screamed, instantly regretted it. He looked at me suprised. "All you ever do is call me a kid! I must not be kid enough, because I love you, I love you so much, you asshole!"
"You love me?" Dallas' voice got quiet.
I felt tears start to burn my eyes and go down my cheeks. "Yeah. I know you don't love me, because you know, you just think I'm a kid. But that's okay. I'll see you later." I started to storm down the sidewalk, but felt Dallas' hand lock around my wrist.
"(Y/n) Wait."
He spun me around, and smashed his lips to mine.
I wrapped my hands around his neck while his arms found their way around my waist. We kissed roughly under the moon and stars.
We missed for what seemed forever. He pulled me closer to him, our lips still connected.
We finally pulled away, still holding each other.
"I love you too, (y/n)." Dallas said.
"Then why were you flirting with Cherry?"
"Don't you get it? I'm an idiot."
"No you aren't." I whispered, running my hands through his brown hair.
"Be my girl?" Dally asked.
I nodded, biting my lip. He took that as a chance to kiss me again. "I can't get enough of you." He mumbled against my lips.
I felt my chest about to explode with his comment.
We pulled away, and he took my hand. "How about I get you home?"
"Yeah, my mom'll be wonderin where I am." I sighed.
Dally nodded. "Yeah, I know."
He took my hand and started walking. "You ain't gonna be embarrassed?" I asked.
"Hm? Embarrassed about what?"
"Datin a 15 year old when you're 17?"
"That don't matter when I feel the way I feel about you, (y/n) I've always had a thing for ya, just, I knew I wasn't good for you."
"Why not?"
"Because you're sweet. I'm just a no good hood."
I didn't say anything,when he spoke again.
"I always thought you'd end up with Johnny or Pony."
"Why?" I ask again.
"cause they dig you, I mean, all the guys dig you. Even Two-Bit."
I laughed. "Sure."
"Yeah," Dally nods. "But I guess you're mine now, huh?"
I nod this time. "Yes."
I smiled to my self, feeling on top of the world.


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