Dating them... (Stand By Me)

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●him reading his stories to you
●you watching him write
●reading books together
●(before Denny passed) you going with his family to Denny's football games
●going to the Blue Point diner together
●him showing you the treehouse
●your parents love him
●racing each other
●having deep conversations
●being shy with each other at first


●you comforting him when his dad upsets him
●him always telling you how lucky he is to have you
●playing cards together
●you taking a puff of his smoke and him getting mad
●seeing how sweet he is and nothing like his family
●taking walks and holding hands
●taking up for him when someone says something about his families reputation
●him giving you flowers
●him throwing pebbled at your window in the middle of the night sometimes


●playing army and him purposely tackling you, then kissing you
●you complementing his glasses
●him telling you dirty jokes
●him not wanting you to truck dodge
●protective and territorial of you
●him telling you how much he loves you
●making out in the treehouse
●him comforting when you're sad
●your alls fights are vicious and include lots of screaming


●eating pez together
●you reminding him how cute he is
●him telling you he likes you more than cherry Pez
●watching movie together
●helping him dig for his pennies
●insulting Billy when he insults Vern
●making him dance with you

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