Wil Wheaton imagine

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It was the last class period of the day. French. I liked that class, and it had most of my friends in it. Like my best friend Wil. We had assigned seats next to eachother and would always mess around in there.

I walked in and I didn't see Wil in his spot. I wondered where he was, he was here earlier. I sat my books on the table and sat down.

"Hey, (Y/F/N), wheres Wil?" I asked to my friend in the front table of me.

"Oh. I saw him at his locker earlier, it's probably jammed or something."

"Good afternoon class." Our teacher walked in. "Today, we are going to review what we have learned. Turn to your partner and go over words, please."

I sighed, but the door swung open and Wil walked in.

"Mr. Wheaton, the tardy bell has rang." The teacher crossed his arms.
"Yeah, I know. Sorry. Locker troubles." Wil responded. I noticed a lot of the girls in the class drooling over him.

"Okay, I almost counted you absent. Take your seat."

Wil walked over to our table and sat down. "What're we doing?"

"Going over words."

"Oh I know one." He smiled.

"What is it ? " I smiled too.

"Je vous aime." Wil responded.

"Je vous... what's that mean?" I asked.

"Well, there's a cheat sheet right there." Wil smirked, pointing towards the paper in the center of the desk.

I slid it towards me and connected the words. Je meant I.... vous meant love...... and aime meant.. you?

"I love you?"

Wil nodded. "You got it."

"Did you mean that? Or were you just saying it?"

"I mean it. I love you, (Y/N)."

I felt my face heat up as I choked out, "I love you too, Wil."

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