5 fact tag

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I was tagged by _Brooxeshields_ thanks! ❤

The rules are:
-you have to put 5 facts about yourself
-it can't be in the comments/replies
-you have to complete this within a week or there will be punishment (whyyy)
-don't forget to post the rules
-don't back out
-tag 15 people

1. I used to be vegetarian but I'm now vegan (ye I'm a basic vegan bc I just brought that up)

2. My favorite genres of music are classic rock and anything '80s and under (and some '90s). My favoritest musicians are The Clash, Rolling Stones, Queen, The Doors, David Bowie, Linda Ronstadt, Madonna, Duran Duran, Prince, among others.

3. I can play five instruments

4. Aaaa one of my favorite quotes is "I'm just a musical prostitute, my dear." Freddie Mercury

5. I have a crush on my world history teacher WHOOPS

im boring LOL

I tag: (sorry if you already done it and you don't have to do it)
Idk who else to tag tbh

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