Sean Astin (requested)

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Requested by riverismyhomeboy

"Point to Sean!" Sean yells triumphantly, making me roll my eyes with a smile.
We were playing basketball together outside my house.
"Just because you got one point-"
"That accent though. I love it. Makes everything you say sound amazing." Sean interrupted me.
I laughed. Sean always commented on my Jamaican accent.
He chuckled and we played a game against eachother for a little longer, until dark. He ended up winning.
"So, Nina, how does it feel to lose to the big, the bad, Astin?"
I just laughed at him. "Okay, Sean. You've made your point."
He laughed too and we both sat down on the pavement, out of breath. I watched as fireflies flew by, lighting up the night.
We had our shoulders touching and I leaned my head on him.
I heard his breath come out a little shaky as he played with my hair.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I think you're cute."
"Really? Thanks,"  I looked up at him. "You're cute, too."
He smiled, leaning down swiftly and placing a kiss on my lips.
"Will you be my girlfriend, Nina?"
"I would love that." I replied.
He smiled again and suddenly jumped up, dribbling the basketball.
"Rematch?" I jumped up too.
"Only if you think you'll be able to beat me." He said back, and we played a game until it was midnight.

A/N: I don't know if this is what you wanted but I hope you liked it!

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