Sodapop Curtis

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Sodapop Curtis

Tulsa was hot as usual, so I decided to walk to the DX station that wasn't far for a Coke.
When I got there, I saw Steve Randle, who I went to school with, fixing a car's engine. He was under the hood and I decided to go to him.
I walked over and patted him on the back. "Hi, Steve,"
I must've scared him something fierce because he jumped up and hit his head on the hood.
"What in tarnation-"
"Sorry," I giggled.
"(Y/N), right? We have some classes together st school?"
"Yeah, sorry for scaring you."
"Its alright," he shrugged. "But don't mind me, I gotta get this car fixed up." His face had streaks of car oil on it and I laughed to myself.
I went inside the DX, immediately cooling off. I noticed another boy behind the counter, looked the same age as Steve... He was familiar... Yeah! He was the boy who dropped out. Sodapop Curtis, movie star good looks... Greaser....
I went and got my bottle of Coke and came back and placed it on the counter.
"That'll be 25¢ doll." He said, ringing it up.
I handed him a quarter.
"Hey, I've seen ya before... I think we used to go to school together before I... Left. Yeah, left. Anyway, I'm Sodapop Curtis."
"I remember you," I nodded. "I'm (Y/N)."
"Pretty name," he complimented.
"Thank you, I really love your name, Sodapop... Its unique."
"Thanks" he said, a smile finding its way on his handsome face. His teeth were sparkling white.
"Say," he continued. "Maybe you'd wanna go with me to the Nightly Double or the Dingo sometime? Do ya dig?"
"I'd love that!"
So we exchanged phone numbers and it was a date.

A/N: hi I updated
I've been listening to Prince music all day ❤👌

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