1: 'What the fu-'

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Walking down the dark hall, I came across a white door. Turning the knob slowly and pushing it aside to walk through, I could see Emma Miller laying on the bed. She wasn’t wearing much but the smile she displayed was more than enough for me. Lifting her small finger and curving it slightly, beckoning me over, I smirked at her forwardness. This, this moment was all I had thought about for the last four years. Finally this was going to happen.

I stood at the end of her bed, grabbing her soft, tanned ankles and tugging her to the edge. I slide my hand up, running them over her calf, her knees, sliding my hand up her thighs. She was so quiet, but grinning through her heavy and quick breaths. My fingertips grazed over the hem of her light pink lace boyshorts. I knew she wanted me to remove them but I wanted to drag this out. Tease her as much as she had teased me since freshman year.

Leaning down, my weigh supported by my hands that were placed on both sides of her exposed hips. She wrapped her legs around my waist, closing the small gap between us. Her hand went up to my hair and tugged gently at the ends. I moved higher, my lips inches from her, her hot breath fanned over my face. Strawberries and vanilla, her scent was so intoxicating. Letting one of her dainty hands fall to my neck and pull me close, our lips met and everything inside me exploded. Atom bombs were let lose in my stomach, my breath uneasy and all the blood in my body flowed south.

Breaking the kiss for air, she moved her swollen lips to the base of my neck. Nipping and sucking at the skin, running her tongue along the small mark she just made then blew a small breath over it, cooling the area. My own lips were exploring her soft tanned skin just above her pink lace bra. My tongue snaked out and glided along her collarbone. She rocked her hips up earning her a low moan from me. THIS IS IT!  Was all I could think of at the moment…well that and the need to remove my trousers. The constraining fabric and our hips moving at a steady speed was creating a heating sensation that left me tingling, if we kept this up, I’d be done before we even really got started. As if on cue, Emma rolled over, trapping me between her thighs.

She quickly reached for my belt, undoing it and sliding it off in record time. Playing with the button of my trouser she snapped it apart and slide down the zipper. Lifting herself off the bed she flicked off my white converse and gripped the material around my ankles and pulled. Leaving me in only my navy blue Calvin Klein’s and white V-neck tee. Slowly she crawled but up the bed, straddling my hips she lowered herself. Her right hand ran up the bottom of my shirt, fingertips trialing along the indents of my stomach, her thumb lightly brushing over my left nipple while her other hand went down between our bodies. Palming me threw the thin fabric, my moans the only sound filling her room. My hands rested on hips, rocking them back and forth letting her core graze over my hard self.

Playing with the hem of my briefs, she leaned down and connected our lips once more. I wrapped my arms around her waist and rolled over, once again on top of her, fitted in between her thighs. I pulled back to look down at her, opening my eyes I froze. Emma wasn’t underneath me any longer. In her place was a rotted corpse…the same golden hair haloed around its head as Emma had, wearing the pink lace bra and matching boyshorts. I jumped off the side of the bed and landed in something wet, the thick liquid came up to my calves.

Turning on the small bedside lamp I looked down and saw the floor flooded with…BLOOD! My subconscious screamed at me. “What’s wrong baby?” Emma’s voice spoke, my head jerked up and my eyes nearly fell out of their sockets. The rotted corpse held a hand out, beckoning me to come back to the bed. I stumbled backwards nearly losing my footing. Something in the corner of the room caught my eye, a pair of shinning blue…eyes? No, no they had to something else, eyes don’t shine blue, not like these orbs. They looked as if they were floating in midair, coming up nearly to my height.

I continued to back towards the door, the corpse just lying there, arm still extended but Emma’s voice coming from it. “Come on, babe. I know you want me. I want you too.” It purred, making bile creep up the back of my throat. What was going on? Where was I and what the hell happened to Emma?! Just as I felt my back touch the door I fumbled blindly for the knob not wanting to take my eyes off the corpse or the shinning blue orbs, in case one or both made a movement towards me.

Once I gripped it and started to turn knob a new voice broke through the room. “Listen to me carefully, Harry! I don’t have much time here!” The soft growl of a voice echoed urgently. “What the fu-” I was cut off by a deep throaty growl, “LISTEN! Something’s…someone’s coming for you. Be on guard at all times! I’ll be there soon.” the voice trailed off into a whisper on the last bit and I felt heart stop when the blue shinning orbs started to move.

The muzzle of a nose pecked out from the corner followed by black fur leading up to the blue shinning orbs…eyes! They were eyes!. The massive head of a wolf came into view of the light. I stood there, too frozen to move while the shoulders of the beast crept forward. I could feel my chocolate curls clinging to the sweat on my forehead, my hands shaking as my subconscious screamed at me. RUN YOU IDIOT! GET OUT OF HERE!

As the monster stalked towards me I felt my muscles unclench, turning the knob and throwing the door open, I ran out of the room as fast as my legs could carry me. I was about to take the first step down the stairs when the stairwell gave way and I fell into an endless black pit.



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