14: What the sh*t just happened?

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"W-what do you mean a...physical connection?" I was 98% sure of what she meant but I had to know for sure. "Harry, did you ever wonder why you're still an 18 year old virgin?" there was a hint of amusement in her voice. "B-because...no one ever wanted to...you know...with me."

Her musical laughter cut through my shame, adding to my embarrassment. "No, Harry. Trust me, they wanted to! But...you weren't meant to be with a normal human. There's a side of you that...can be dangerous for them. Fate made sure you waited until someone to came along that was meant to be with you." Her smile was smile but genuine.

"And what? You think that someone is you?" I said, glaring at her. It was harsh but I didn't like the idea of not having control of my own life, especially with something as meaningful as sex. Instantly I regretted saying it, the look of hurt and anger filled her delicate features.

"I didn't say it was me you were meant to be with. Don't worry Harry, the chances of you getting in my knickers is slim to none!" With that she got up and walked towards the door. "Come on, we can finish this discussion downstairs. He's here." Her voice emotionless.

Way to go, wanker. I thought as I followed behind her. The vibe around her shifting, I could feel a guard, a wall being put up between us. I had hurt her feelings. Before I knew it, she turned and fists a handful of my shirt, pushing me up against the wall as we reached the bottom step.

"Let's get one thing straight, shall we, for you to hurt my feelings I'd actually have to have feelings! This is my job! Don't get me confused with my animal from your dreams and that nice, sweet girl you met before never existed. I need you to trust me but that doesn't mean I need you to like me!" she growled, letting go of me and continuing to the living room.

I just stood there. I didn't know what to say, what to do. One minute she's kissing me on my bed then the next she's telling me it was all...what...part of her job? "Well, fuck you too! I don't need your help! I don't need anything from you, nor do want anything from you! Just leave me the fuck alone. I was fine before you showed up and fucked up my life! 3 days! 3 days and you've dragged me into some freak show!" I blew up.

With a smirk playing on her lips she turned and walked to the front door. Opening it, she turned, "Good luck on your own. I'll see you in hell." With that she left. Slamming the door behind her. Leaving me standing there with the pounding ache in my head coming back. What the shit just happened? And fuck me if this damned headache shit isn't annoying!

"Did I miss something? Weren't you two just all lovey dovey a bit ago?" Everett chuckled. "Relax man, she'll be back. Just let her cool off...looks like you could do the same." He corrected himself after the long moment of my glaring.

"Come on man, someone wants to talk to you." He stifled a laugh, making me frown my eyebrows in confusion. "It pains me to know you're actually mine, Everett." I walked around the corner to see Titan sitting on the couch. For a split second I wanted to yell at him to get off. Mum doesn't like him on the furniture.

"I can still hear you, Harry." He thought in a monotone. "Can everyone hear me?" I said slightly annoyed, throwing my hands in the air. "You know, it's still weird that my dog is a...well you know what." I still couldn't fully comprehend the fact my dog was not just a dog.

"I'm a demon, sooner or later you will have to get used to it and except it."

"Well...it might help if you changed and weren't constantly a dog." I waited to see him change but nothing. He didn't move a bit or make an effort to shift. "Sit down. I know you have questions and you're parents will be home soon, so we don't have much time."

"Ok, so you want to explain to me what's going on? Why am I so important and is there a chance you all got it wrong?" I asked rubbing my already throbbing temples. If this was all a mistake then surely they could fix it and get my life back to normal...right?

"Sorry, Harry it doesn't work like that. You are the child. The connection made with Seri and the fact that you can hear me, proves it. I've watched over you for the last 18 years, I've known since the moment I stepped foot in this town. Others would have known it too, if I hadn't masked you. I don't want a world of darkness, we all have our reason for becoming what we do when we die. I chose this life for all the wrong reasons. Reasons I soon found held no value after I was made demon." He hung his head but continued.

"There are those of us how want the chance to ask for forgiveness. Through you, we can...but there are those who want to use you for darkness. Your power is beyond what anyone ever expected and with that many will try to lead to you go against your good nature. You are the key, not only to heaven on earth but also hell on earth. You have the power to redeem us but also the power to release us. If other demons find you, they could use you to open the gate and not even Seri will be able to stop what comes out."

"Seri? How...what is she really? She said she's just a hound...how could she stop anything?" He made her sound so powerful.

"She is powerful, Harry. Yes, she's a hound but not just any hound. She's the gate keeper of hell. She has the power kill a soul no matter what they are. That's all we all are, any and all of us, we're souls. Her death is one no one looks forward to, for if she kills you, you become nothing. Nothing but emptiness in space somewhere...I'm not really sure, but unlike the death you will face one day, there is no coming back from hers." He spoke of her with such reverence. The power she held was great and I just hurt her and let her walk out on me.

"Do you think she'll come back?" The worry and sadness clear in my voice. "She just needs time to think, she's not use to human emotions and being here for so long is hard on her. She doesn't understand the things she's feeling. She's been void of them for too long."

He was silent for a while and even with all the questions I still had, I couldn't think of anything but her. I wasn't sure what I was feeling but I knew I didn't want to be away from her. Not just because of the headaches but also because I felt drawn to her. There was a need to be near her...just to be with her.

"Stop mopping and just go find her, mate." Everett told me like it was the easiest thing in the world to do. I had no way of knowing where she went and I doubted she would pick up her phone.

Titan finally ended his silence, "You have had the power to find her all along, just as she had the power of finding you. Even before the mental connection was made there was a bond. That's how she found you in the first place and why my masking didn't affect her. You are bonded, don't you see? You were always meant to find each other."

As he spoke I could feel the tingle in my stomach and the warmth spread throughout my body.

"Clear your mind and think of only her, feel for the string that will lead you to her."

Just like before, when I went looking for the connection, I could sense it. This time I didn't pull away, I could see the path in my head that would lead me to her.

I could see her sitting alone...crying.

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