22: I'm calling BullSh*t!

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Everything around me become hazy, I could feel Seri in my arms as the water from the shower still ran down my body. As much as she tried, I wouldn't let go of her. I had this uncontrollable desire to just hold her.

"Harry, you have to let me go. I have to get Zee to fix that bite. I-I can't do it for you, it won't work! Dammit, Harry, let me go!" she growled when my grip on her only got tighter.

I saw in her head that she thought she'd hurt me, that the bite was painful but was the opposite. At first, yes, the bite had hurt but only for a second. After that it was heaven. So much pleasure pulsed through me, I didn't even need to be touched in any other way to find my own release.

It was better than any form of sex I could possibly imagine and my body wanted more. I felt myself harden once again at the thought of her coming undone from me as she bit me once more and helped me find that magical release.

"Seri, shut up." Before she even think to protest I silenced her with my lips. She tensed but didn't hesitate to kiss me back. Licking her bottom lip, asking for entrance, she part her lips giving it to me. As soon as our tongues met she relaxed into me.

I knew she needed air as much as I did but I couldn't bring myself to pull away from for too long, so instead I trailed kisses down her jaw and long her neck. Her soft moans filling my ears as I reached along her collarbone.

Needing to please her, my hand ran the side her ribcage, down her hips and came to rest under her left thigh. The movement shifted her from me and startled her as she felt my member brush against her inner thigh.

Before I could explain my intentions I was ripped from her. Everything happening so fast it was hard to keep track of what was going on. In an instant I was stood outside the shower with a towel being thrown at me, while Kale was rushing Seri out the door in a robe.

Guilt ran through me at the sight of Seri with her head down. Tears welling in her eyes as Kale sat her on the bed. Oh God! Did I take it too far? Did I frighten her, did she think I would hurt her? That I would force her?

My thoughts were running wild with the idea as I dressed. Thankful that Zee had brought clothes in, I couldn't face Seri knowing that I might have pushed her into something she didn't want.

Suddenly I felt a burning on my skin, where Seri had bit me, not the way I feel when I'm close to her. This was more like someone had light my skin on fire, my flesh sizzled as the pain grew worse. My screams echoed throughout the bathroom as the smell of burning flesh filled my nose.

"Zee, what's happening to him?! What are you doing to him?" Seri screamed, the answering voice blocked from my hearing.

"What do you mean...I-I can't heal him! He's not like me Zeke! It'll only make it worse! I WOULD KILL HIM! I won't do that!" she continued her one sided argument with Zee, everything but her angelic musical voice was tuned out.

As soon as the tears that were in her eyes spilled out, I ran for her. No amount of pain would keep me from comforting her. I would gladly cut off my right arm if it meant she would never cry from sadness again.

Pulling her against my chest, wrapping her in my arms I brought her to the bed. Adjusting her on my lap so her legs were hanging to the side, I rocked us back and forth trying to calm her.

She kept struggling against me, her hands balled in fist as she tried to push me away. Even as her eyes glowed sapphire blue and her skin heated, I couldn't let her go. I could feel she was close to shifting but didn't care. All that mattered to me was that she calm down enough for me to explain and to try to make her happy.

Her happiness was the most important thing to me, more than my safety, more than my life. As long as she was happy and safe I could be happy. Without thinking or caring I let the feelings spill out.

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