21: Release

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*Smut Warning*

The instant her soft pink lips touched mine I could feel the familiar tingle and burning sensation spread throughout my body. Much like any other time she touched me but there was something different about this.

In the pit of my stomach I could feel the warmth grow as little shocks, like lightning, traveled through my veins. I could taste the electricity in the air along with the mint of her breath, making the urge to pull her closer nearly unbearable.

Every inch of my skin burned to have her close, to feel her softness against me. Visions of her dainty hands running along my chest, down the lines of my stomach until, finally, she found the item she was searching for.

Wrapping her warm palm around my length, slowly...teasingly bringing me closer to release while her plush lips attacked the skin of my neck.

Her musical laughter broke me from my dirty thoughts, "Ok big boy, how about we start with you helping me out of my clothes, yea?" she said as she pulled away but remained wrapped in my arms.

"D-did you just see all that?" I asked, desperately trying not to stutter like a babbling idiot. The slight pink tint to her cheeks answered my questions as I turned my head away from her, not wanting her to see the embarrassment on my face.

"Is that what you want, Harry? For me to touch you like that?" Her voice was soft and inviting, it held no judgment or distaste. It was almost as if she was asking for permission to actually do those things...to me.

"I...uh...I-I don't know, I-I mean...look at you! W-who wouldn't want you to do those things to them?" I nervously chuckled, looking anywhere but her eyes as I said it. This was so awkward yet I couldn't find it in me to change the subject.

Finally after a few minutes of silence I glanced at her. She just stood there staring at me with big eyes and a genuine smile. "The water will be cold soon if we don't hurry." She said, the smile never leaving her face but tugging at my heart. I could feel the fire once again burn in my stomach at the thought of undressing her.

"Do you think they have scissors in here?" I said while looking around in the cabinet above the sink. "Doubt it, but here use this."

Her small hand reached into the front pocket of her pajama shorts. She pulled out a small steel item, with a quickness I wasn't prepared for she flipped the object around in small circles to her right before flipping it over in her hand and holding the tail end towards me.

"It's just a butterfly knife. Don't worry." She laughed at my shocked expression.

Carefully taking it from her hand, I was surprised at the lightless of it. I would have figured it to be a bit weightier. "Hold the end here and flick your wrist this way," she said while positioning my hands around the knife, "watch your fingers, then flip it this way and open your palm at the end. Don't take your eyes off your movements. Go slow." She stepped back signaling me to start.

At turtle like speed I flicked my wrist to the left once, turning the sharpness of its teeth away from my fingers and with another flip the blade seem to collapse on its self. I stood there amused that I had done it, I wanted to try again but this time a bit faster.

Doing the same motions but in reverse I was able to open the knife with no trouble, liking the way it felt I tried to speed it up once more.

"Whoa there bad ass, let's not have you cut off a finger right now...ok?" she smiled again as she stepped closer and waited. "Are...you going to cut off my shirt or just stand there all day?" she asked, sarcasm lacing every word.

"Oh, yea...right, sorry." I forced a breathless laugh, shaking my head trying to concentrate on what I needed to do and not on how amazing her smile is and what it does to me.

Pulling the hem of her shirt towards me so I could allow the blade to slice up the middle of the shirt, was nerve racking. I was so afraid one wrong move would result in me stabbing her or cutting her beautiful milky flesh. I had to remind myself to focus and not drift off and think about her naked in front of me.

Once the material was split down the middle I was able to remove it like jacket. Sliding my hands under the fabric, my fingertips grazing the silky skin of her shoulders and down her arms as I left the ruined shirt fall to the ground. Nearly mesmerized by her in only her while lace bra and pajama bottoms.

I could feel my heart beating so fast and loud I was almost sure Seri could hear it as I reached down started to remove her shorts. "Harry, uh...you might want to leave those on." My head snapped up, a frown pulling at my brows in confusion.

"You can't shower with these on." I told her as I reached again for them. "True...but I don't have anything on under them so...I can try and get them off by myself." She said as she looked up at the ceiling. She's being shy. I thought, finding this side of her more alluring than I should.

With a surge of confidence I gripped the material and slowly started to pull it down. A wicked smirk tugging at the corner of my lip. Her gaze immediately fell to mine, I could see the shock from my forward actions pooling in bright blue eyes.

I couldn't resist allowing the back of my hands to trail down her thighs and over her calves as I slowly slid the shorts down. My stare never left hers but I could tell by her breathing and the lust filling her eyes, she wouldn't reject what I planned on doing next.

Seri's POV:

Ohgodohgodohgodohgodohgod, SNAP OUT OF IT SERI! You can't let this happen! I was mentally screaming to myself as I watched Harry reach for my hands and place them on his shoulders.

Running his hand up the backside of my leg and bending my knee to help me step out of the shorts he just slowly removed. Damn, even Landon couldn't make me feel like this. Once I finished that thought I again mentally scolded myself. This time for letting him to enter my thoughts at all when I had the guy I loved on his knees in front of me.

Every inch of me wanted to feel Harry's rough and calloused hands, his long and slender fingers sliding my up inner thigh, rubbing small circles aroun-

My eyes popped open when I felt his smooth plump lips on the skin of my belly, his fingertips gliding up my back to the clasp of my bra. When did I close my eyes? I thought as he unhooked it and pulled it off.

I was so caught up in the feelings only Harry could bring me, I didn't realize I was letting him take this too far. But the moment I felt his lips once again on me I was done for. I couldn't resist Harry and every part of me and my wolf wanted him more than ever.

As if reading my mind, he started trailing light kisses along my rib cage, over the swell of my breast, coming to stop just above my collarbone. He didn't pull away like I feared he would, instead he reached down cupping the back of my thighs and lifted me up. Wrapping my legs around his waist.

It was only when I could feel the warmth of his skin against mine that I figured out he was naked as well. How the hell did I miss that show? I yelled at myself. Thinking of Harry undressing in front of me had my womb clenching and the need to feel him, all of him, was killing me.

Before I could think properly and end this before I couldn't control myself any longer, Harry had us in the shower. The hot water running down his chest, steam filling the small space making it twice as hard to breathe.

Seeing the way his chest glistened from the water, the jealousy I felt for the drops that ran down his stomach and in between us was torturous.

That was my breaking point, I wouldn't allow something as small and insignificant as water to touch him freely when I couldn't.

Winding my fingers into his hair, I pulled his lips to mine. One hand intertwined with his soft chestnut locks while the other held on to his back as if life depended on it, I rocked my hips against his. Letting him know I wanted this just as much as he did, if not more.

Suddenly my back hit the shower wall, the tip of Harrys erection digging in to my thigh making me squirm to try and allow it inside of me. It was so close but he refused to loosen his hold so I could take him in.

'Seri, stop that!" His voice growled in my head. 'I will not make love to you for the first time in the shower.' I was so taken back by the fact that he was actually in my head I couldn't think about the disappointment and rejection filling my heart.

From the moment I heard his heart beat coming from inside that humans belly, I knew I'd love this man more than anything. For the last 18 years I have watched him become the person he is, I've loved him in every way possible up until now and finally when I get to show him how much I love him, he rejects me.

It wasn't until I felt the pleasurable sting of his fingers thrusting into me that I was finally pulled out of my thoughts. "Harry!" Was all I could manage to say between thrusts.

His face buried in the crook of my neck, nibbling the skin just below my ear. The sucking sensation of his lips and the way his tongue laved around the sore spot he just created had my release tingling in the pit of my stomach.

I could feel my wolf shaking anticipation, holding back, allowing us our brief but beautiful moment to let Harry take control and please us. She was nearly howling as fingers curled and his speed increased.

I knew she wouldn't be able to hold back much longer so rather than fighting her, I gave in to our wants. My hips bucking, matching Harry's tempo to meet his thrust as I pulled his neck to my lips. I need him closer, I needed to feel every bit of his warm skin on my mine.

Though she didn't seem as pleased with this as I did, she still trying to come to the surface. To take over.

"Stop fighting it, I got you. Let it go now babe." He says as I fought to hold control. As much as I wanted release I could feel my wolf taking over. If she got control, God himself wouldn't be able to stop her from taking Harry.

"I can't, Harry. I can't..." I moaned against his neck as his thrusts sped up. I had done my best to keep my whimpers and moans to a minimum but mixture of his fingers inside me, his teeth nipping at the sensitive spot on my neck as his tongue snaked out and cooled the fire he ignited on my skin, it was all too much.

With a scream all my muscles tensed, and an explosion of pure bliss over took me. My eyes screwed shut as I everything around me melted into nothingness. I could feel my body shake and twist as I rode out my orgasm.

Slowly the world began to came back to me, I could feel the once hot water turning lukewarm, and the feeling of Harrys muscles under my fingertips. The way they tensed and clenched then released slightly as he still held me tightly in him arms.

Hearing Harry moan as the last bit of euphoria left me nearly had me finding release again. It wasn't until I tasted something salty and metallic that pulled back from Harry and opened my eyes.


It was everywhere, dripping down Harrys shoulder and over his chest. Looking down to the small space our bodies were connected and pooling around my legs that were still wrapped around him. Realization hit me like a ton of bricks.

"Oh my God, Harry...I-I bit you!"

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