7: I can rinse the blood out later

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"Uh...I-I heard yelling so I came to...uh...see what was going on?" it came out as a question and I mentally slapped myself. I wasn't sure what was going on but I knew I couldn't tell her I was eavesdropping.

She let out a loud sigh, "Harry, I really need you to not lie to me. I need you to trust me...ok?" she looked up at me with pleading eyes. Before I could answer the sound of footsteps coming towards us was heard.

Without thinking, I grabbed Seri's hand and ran in the supply closet a few feet down the hall. I had been in there a few times when the teachers had asked me to get some materials needed for class.

I felt around for a handle I knew would open up to a small room almost no one knew about. Just as I reached the knob the lights flicked on and Seri grabbed me. Her small hand reached out for the collar of my shirt and pulled me down to her, crashing our lips together.

It was kind of painful but the softness of her lips and her warm breathe almost immediately made me forget about the pain that filled my lips. I snaked my arm around her tiny waist and pulled her closer to me.

"What the hell do you two think you're doing?" I pulled away and finally saw one of the Spanish teachers standing in the doorway with an angry expression on her face. "Both of you get to class before I send you to the principal's office." Hanging our heads, Seri and I walked out. "Oh and if I find you in here again, I'll make sure you're both suspended. Mr. Styles, I expected better of you. Don't make this a habit."

With that she turned on heel and went in the supply closet. "That's was close. I thought you were never going to catch on." Seri giggled as she continued to walk down the hall. "Huh...oh yeah, right." I gave her my best fake smile and nodded.

"Sorry if I hurt you, I didn't mean to just attack you like that. I-I didn't know what else to do when I heard the door knob turn." She looked down shyly and played with the hem of her hoodie.

I chuckled, "it's ok, I still have my front teeth so we're good. I can rinse the blood out later." I teased while waving my hand like it was no big deal. Her eyes went wide and she grabbed my face. "Oh my God! I made you bleed? I'm so sorry! Let me see!" she said was while turning my head to different angles.

This time I busted out laughing, I laughed so hard I had to double over and hold my knees to help from falling over. "I was just kidding. Yeah you surprised me and ok...it hurt a little but it was nice too." I trialed off into a whisper.

"Oh...uh...yeah, i-it was." She says, biting her plump lower lip. The way she looked up at me through her eyelashes made her seem so cute and innocent, but at the same time, I could see a hint of knowingness there too. Like that's how she expected me to think of her.

I quickly pushed my thoughts on it away as she dropped her gaze and rocked back and forth on her heels. "So...I guess we should get to class then?" I looked down at my watch and sighed, "we're already really late, really no point in going now...unless you want to."

"No, we could sit in my car for the rest of class or...go get a quick smoothie from the down the street?" She started walking towards the doors to the parking lot and I followed. I really didn't care what we did or where we went. I was just enjoying her company.

Once we made it to her car I got an uneasy feeling. I could sense a pair of eyes on me. I looked around and stopped when I saw a black figure standing there staring at me from across the street. It could have been no one in particular but the way they stood and held my gaze told me otherwise.

"Harry, get in the car!" I broke the stare and turned to face Seri. Her jaw was clenched and the hand she had resting in the hood of her car was fisted. Normally I would never think of her as scary or intimidating due to her small size, but in that moment something about her told me she was dangerous.

She's not what she seems, young one. Do not trust her. A voice echoed in my head, but it wasn't the voice of my subconscious. I turned to look back at the figure across the street to see him nod once, as I blinked he vanished.

"Harry! Don't listen to him! Get in the damn car, NOW!" Seri yelled as I stood there stunned. "H-how do you know what he said?" I demanded. "Shit!" she cursed while slamming her door shut walking around towards me. "Harry, I need you to listen to me...I'll explain everything but right now I NEED YOU TO GET IN THE FUCKING CAR!" she growled. Just as something black caught the corner of my eye. I turned to look and saw the black figure from across the street was now across from us, near the end of the car parked in front of Seri's mustang.

"Time to come with me, young one." the figured spoke as he appeared right in front of me.

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