8: Question game

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I woke up on my couch with a splitting headache. I tried thinking back to what happened today and how I got here. I remember kissing Seri in the supply closet and us walking to her car. Then everything gets fuzzy. After, what seemed like ages, I was finally able to remember most of what happened.

After getting in Seri's car we drove to get some smoothies from the ice cream shop down the street. Then, of course with my luck, I got sick and Seri drove me home. She said she'd come pick me up tomorrow since I had to leave my car at school.

Just as I was about to get up and head to my room, my phone buzzed.

Hey, just checking to see how you're doing...hope you're feeling better. x ~ Seri

I smiled at the text and blushed as I remember the embarrassing moment when I leaned into her car window and asked her for her number and before I could hand her my phone, I threw up all over the gravel in my driveway.

Yeah, a bit of a headache but feeling loads better now. Thanx for driving me home. xx ~ Harry

Of course I wasn't going to mention my amazingly smooth episode of throwing up in front of her. I really hope she could forget it also.

You're welcome. So I'll pick you up around...7:30? x ~ Seri

7:30's perfect. xx ~ Harry

Ok, see you then. Try and get some rest. xx ~ Seri


"Harry, sweetie go lay down now. I'll clean up. You're still looking a little pale." My mum shooed me up the stairs. It wasn't hard to convince her why I had to leave school early and come home since I was looking kind of 'peaked' as mum called it.

I walked up stairs, head still pounding and felt a cold draft as I opened my bedroom door. When did I open my window? I thought as I went to close it. It wasn't really that cold since it was almost summer but the wind seemed to have picked up from this afternoon.

Striping down to my boxers, I fell into bed and thought back to the events that happened today. Things still seemed fuzzy and some parts didn't make sense. Flashes of people yelling at one another and a black figure clouded my mind as my head felt like it was going to exploded.

Soon enough it was too much for me and everything went black.

"Ah...I see you finally decided to join me." A soft voice whispered near my ear. My eyes shot open to see a pair of shinning eyes. Looking around the room, I saw the wolf picture sitting on my computer desk.

This was another dream.

"Right you are, Harry. You caught on rather fast tonight. I didn't even get to have any fun." She voice purred as I felt her hand slide up my thigh. "W-who are you? Why do you keep coming in my dreams?" I stuttered, feeling her fingertip run along my length. She was distracting me.

"Oh believe me, I wish I was cuming in your dreams! I bet we could fix that tonight, though." She winked at me, for once I really tried to find her other features. So far her eyes were the only things I could clearly make out. The small bits of her I was able to see once were now fading from my mind.

"I really wish you wouldn't try, love. You'll ruin the big surprise for later." Her hand had now moved up to the hem of my boxers. Snapping them lightly, then running her finger along the inside. Sending shivers down my spine.

"W-what surprise?" I breathed out, my thoughts were becoming more and more distant from the questions I had and focusing more on her actions. "Do you want me to stop?" She said just as her hand slide down in my boxers. Taking me in her small hand and lightly squeezing.

"N-no, b-but I do want to talk...first?" even in my dreams I couldn't find my dominance and let her take control of me. Her musical laughter filled the air and her hand suddenly disappeared from my boxers.

"Ok, let's talk." She stated as she shifted on the bed. "Can you read my mind?" I asked, though I already knew the answer. "Yes." There was a long pause, I expected her to say more but then assumed this was going to be a 'yes or no' game.

"You choose to stay hidden from me?"...."Yes."

"Why?"...."I already told you, now is not the time to reveal myself to you. Just be patient. You'll know why soon enough." She sighed and shifted on the bed once again. Her head found its way to my chest. Her arm wrapped around my waist as she cuddled beside me.

"Why are you so grabby? I mean don't get me wrong, I don't mind it," she giggled and spoke before I was done. "I know." She said while her fingertips tickled my side. Laughing I grabbed her hand and intertwined our fingers. "I just want to know if you do it so you can distract me?"

It took her a minute, I knew she was thinking of her answer. "Yes and no. Sometimes your mind gets closer than it should to the answers and I need a way to throw you off. There are things I can't tell or show you right now. So please stop trying to figure it out." She sighed and I could see the pleading in her voice. "Also, you're kind of good looking. So why not have a little fun with you?" she chuckled.

I wasn't sure what to say so I just stared at the ceiling for a minute. "What's the 'pull' you were walking about? How will I know what it is?" I'd been wondering about that ever since she mentioned it. "It's hard to describe but it's a special way you'll be able to sense me when you're around me out there. I mean when you're not dreaming. It's a 'feeling' you'll get that when you're away from me that only I will be able to calm."

"So...I know you?" I mentally ran through all the girls at the school. "Whoa there slugger. Yes, you know me but I need you to not think about it. Otherwise you could ruin everything. I'm just trying to keep you safe and if you know who I am right now, it'll make my job a hell of a lot harder."

I took in what she said and tried to focus my thoughts on my fingers that were running through her hair right now. It was soft and gave off a sweet woodsy smell. Like honey, vanilla and the fresh scent of a river or spring.

"Good boy," I could hear the smile in her voice as she read the shift in my thoughts, "now are we done with all the questions?" I nodded, still trying to focus on her scent rather than the thousand other questions I had.

"How about we just have a little fun tonight and we'll play your little question game again tomorrow?" she said as she lifted herself on top of me. Straddling my hips while her hands ran up my bare chest. "F-fun?" I said as I started to shake.

"Relax, this is just a dream after all. You can do whatever you want." she purred as she gripped my wrist and placed my hand on her soft, bare chest. Since it was just a dream, I guess there wasn't really any harm in having a little 'fun'...right?

Before I could think about it any longer I felt a pair of soft, warm lips on mine.

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