10: Angry thoughts

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"Morning, Harry. The usual?" June asked, she normally worked the morning shift and I came in nearly every day. She was always so sweet to me, most of the time throwing in donut or bagel. "Yea, but I'm gonna need two today." I grinned.

I had never ordered anything for two before. June's head snapped up, her crinkled eyes wide and mouth slightly hung open. "T-two? It this for a girl? Is she pretty? She's a nice girl right?" she was flying questions at me left and right.

I chuckled, "yes...to all of your questions. Well at lease I think so. She's new. She's sitting over there." I tried to point without Seri seeing me but just as my hand went up her head turned. She blushed and looked down quickly. "Oh, Harry, she's lovely." June said walking off to get the coffees.

When she returned she had both coffees and a plate with two bagels on it. "This ones on the house." She grinned and went to help the new customers that had just walked in.

"Here you go, June also threw in some bagels." I laughed, handing Seri her coffee and placing the plate on the table. "June? Was that the lady you were just talking to?" she asked. "Yea, I come in here a lot." I said blushing and looking down.

Thankfully it didn't take long for us to finish. There was an awkward silence hanging in the air, I wanted to ask her so many questions but she seemed preoccupied. Her attention was focused out the window, every time I tried to look she would ask something and then fall silent again.

Pulling in to the park lot at school I had Seri drop me off at my car while she went to find a park spot. Once I got my bag I went to find her. When I spotted her, she wasn't alone.

Everett was once again holding Seri by the waist while his other hand rested on the hood of her car. I quickly ran over.

"Listen you little cunt, you can either give me what I want or I'll take it. Just know, if I have to take it, it won't be so...pleasant for you." He spat as his hand gripped the side of her waist. I could see her pale, delicate skin turning blue. "Now be a good girl."

He grabbed her hand and ran it over the front of his jeans. Making her cup him while he buried his head in her neck. "You're not playi-" I cut him off by grabbing a fistful of shirt and spinning him around. His back was up against the hood of Seri's car. "Touch her again and I swear God, I'll fucking kill you!" I screamed while throwing my fist right at his nose. Suddenly everything around me started to turn red. I threw another punch, this time to his stomach. He tied to double over but I caught the back of his shirt. Not thinking, I lifted my knee to connect with his face.

"Harry! Harry, you have to stop! HARRY!" someone yelled but I was too busy teaching that piece of shit a lesson. One he needed to learn before he got the idea to hurt her again. "Harry, stop! This isn't you!" I felt a warm hand wrapped around my wrist.

Turning to see Seri standing there with wide eyes, the worried and scared expression she wore pulled me back and things started to regain their natural color. Letting go of Everett, I stepped towards Seri. "H-he...was hurting you."

Before I could say anything else, she was in her car. The engine turned over as the doors locked, "Seri, I'm sorry. I was just trying to help, I didn't mean to hurt him. But I couldn't let him hurt you." I said banging on the window. Without a second glance at me, she put it in reverse and pulled out.

I had a brief moment before she would put it in drive to pull away, "Seri, please! Just listen to me!" and with that she drove off, leaving me standing alone with a bleeding Everett.


The last bell finally rang, I had been trying all day to call and text Seri. She didn't come back to school after she drove off and I was worried. I knew my outburst was bad but I didn't think she would react like that. She completely shut me out.

I was just trying to fucking help her! I'd been like this all day, my thoughts shifting between angry and worried. I was pissed, I tried to help her! To keep her safe and unharmed and she runs off like that. I wasn't the fucking bad guy here, I wasn't trying to force her to fuck me! She could show a little fucking gratitude!

My mind was racing as I walk down the hall, I was torn between what I felt. I've never been so angry and I wasn't sure why I was now. I scared her, she just needed some space and I'm sure she would call or text me back when she was ready to.

Or maybe she'll be a little bitch and stay gone! My mind screamed at me but I couldn't believe it. I never had thoughts like that, the angry thoughts I've had all day didn't feel like mine. Still struggling to calm myself, I walked out only to see a familiar black car.

Just as I was about to run to it there was a high pitched scream. Looking around for where it came from, I noticed that no one else was bothered by the scream. It was as if they couldn't hear it.


Seri. It was Seri's voice. Just as I was about to run back in to the school, I saw her nearly white hair turn the corner of the building towards the football fields.

I took off running to help her but stopped in my tracks as I rounded the corner. Everett had her pressed up on one of the stands, shirt ripped opened while he fumbled with his belt buckle.

Harry, don't move. A soft voice sounded in my head. I locked eyes with Seri, a smirk playing on her lips while she sent me wink.

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