2: Black Mustang

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I woke up, sweat dripping down my back and my curls clinging to my forehead. It was just a dream. I thought over and over, trying to rid myself of the image of Emma's rotting corpse and the giant beast with the glowing blue eyes. Those eyes. They filled me with so much terror, worse than the talking corpse but there was something else about those eyes. Some other feeling that filled me when I thought about. I just wasn't sure what that other feeling was.

"Something's...someone's coming for you. Be on guard at all times! I'll be there soon." kept running through my thoughts, I laid there for who knows how long before the annoying BEEP BEEP BEEP of my alarm clock went off signaling it was time to actually get up and get ready for school.

Swinging my long legs over the edge of the bed, I walked in to my bath room and turned on the shower. I need to wash that nightmare and the sweat that came from it off my body. The steam clouded out as I pulled aside my white colorful fish shower curtain, I need a new curtain. I thought to myself as I let the hot water run down my chest.

Washing up quickly and letting myself stand there for a bit just replaying the dream...nightmare, I had. It was so vivid, so real. Normally I knew when I was dreaming but this...this felt so real I couldn't tell the difference. Every time I closed my eyes the image of those blue shinning orbs played behind my eyelids.

A knock at the door pulled me out of my thoughts. "Yea?" I called out, "it's already half pass seven, sweetie. Time to get out. You're gonna be late." My mum yelled. I groaned and turned off the water. Stepping out, I wrapped myself in a towel and looked in the mirror.

Staring up at me from behind were those horrid blue eyes.

I spun around quickly to see nothing was there. Just the empty wall with the single picture hanging. A wolf. I let out an uneasy laugh and plucked it from the wall and placed it in the cabinet above the toilet. My mind traveled back to the massive wolf from my nightmare. Stop thinking about it! I told myself and went to finish getting ready.


"Hey there, Harry." Emma purred as she passed me by my locker. I'd been trying to avoid seeing her all day, every time I thought about her all I saw was that damned corpse. But here she was, dressing in a tight white sundress looking perfect as always. I nodded and watched her continue to walk past me with her friends in tow. Just as I closed my locker she looked over her shoulder and winked at me. I grin spread across my features as I walked a few feet behind her and her friends. Occasionally stealing a look at her bum.

Just as I walked out of the doors leading to the parking lot there was a group of guys surrounding a classic black mustang, eyeing it over I could see why everyone was gawking at it. It was beautiful. The midnight black paint was shiny, rimmed with a shocking bright blue trim. The windows were tinted but since the driver side was rolled down, I could see the black leather seats were also trimmed in that shocking shade of blue...Just like those eyes! I thought.

"Excuse me..." a small voice squeaked out as a tiny figure tried to push pass the crowd of guys. Long blonde hair, nearly white, flowed down her back. The color popping out more from her lime green hoodie and black skinnies she wore. I small smile crept on my face when I looked down to see she wore the same white converse as I had on, just in a much small size.

Just as she reached for the handle Everett Rose, the schools biggest jock...and jerk, pulled at her tiny waist, spinning her around to face him. "Well...aren't you a pretty thing." He smirked down at her, the look of shock and discomfort filled her face. He was right though, she was gorgeous. Her eyes were round and blue, long thick lashes fanned around them making the color really pop. Her full lips naturally had a pout to them but in a way that was breath taking. Her cheeks flushed against her pale, almost translucent skin but I had a feeling no matter what the situation, her cheeks held their color.

Snapping out of my ogling I notice that Everett was gripping her hip tightly while he ran a dirty finger over her jawline. She was trying to push him off but she was no match for him. He was nearly twice her size.

Without thinking I dropped my bag and ran over pulling him by the collar of his jersey. "Get the fuck off her, Everett! You're scaring her!" I yelled as he stumbled back. She quickly made a move for her car as I shoved him further away from her. I could hear the roar of her engine as Everett stood face to face with me, his nose an inch away from mine. "Get in my way again, Styles, and you're fucking dead!" he snapped as he shoved me aside, "Now be a good boy and run home." He snickered, walking off to towards the football field.

I turned on my heel, picking up my bag and heading to my car just as the girl pulled out of the parking lot. Once I reach my range rover I looked up to see her looking back through the open window, her eyes locked on me with an unreadable expression. I was too mesmerized to move so I just stood there like an idiot watching her ride off in her black mustang when the words "I'll be there soon." played in the back of my head.

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