28: The Marking

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*Smut Warning*

Play list for this chapter as followed:

*Truly, Madly, Deeply~ One Direction (of course I would add them! It's an effin HS FF!)

*Irresistible~ One Direction (It played after TMD n I just liked the way it sounded with the sense)

*Kiss Me~ Ed Sheeran


I ran up the stairs with Zaffre hot on my heels, I knew she was holding back but couldn't understand why. Maybe it was because Seri was the one who wanted to actually catch me but either way I loved this little game we had going on.

I round the corner to enter one of the other doors I had seen on my way out earlier that day. I assumed it was bedroom at the time and as I ran in, I found my assumption had been correct.

Looking everywhere for a place to hide, I could hear Seri running up the stairs. Though I couldn't hear Zaffre. But as soon as Seri pushed the door aside and sauntered in, I knew why.

Somewhere along the run she had lost her dress. Now standing in only her white lace underwear with her hair falling over her shoulders to cover her breast. Slightly panting as she locked her gaze on mine, a smile playing on her lips as she came close enough to reach for my hand.

"Harry....let me show you how much I love." she said as she pulled me toward the empty bed. Pushing me back, I fell on the bed as she crawled up to straddle me.

"Seri...?" I wasn't sure what I wanted to ask but I was growing more nervous as the seconds passed.

"Shhh, Harry. It's ok."

(Start of Smut!)

Lifting my shirt up, her small hands ran up and down my torso. The warmth that came off them left a slight burning sensation the cooled with the tiny tingles ripping through my body. Her touch so light and soft but the weight of her actions weighed me down.

In complete bliss, my head fell back onto the padded duvet, memorizing each touch of her silky fingers on my skin. Letting the goosebumps rise and over take my body as her hand outlined the curve of my pecks, her thumb lightly skimming over my nipple.

Slowly but surely Seri pushed the material of my shirt up and over my head, leaving me only in my jeans as she sat over my pelvic bone, safe to say my jeans were becoming unbearably tight with each stroke she gave my skin. The pressure of her of heat so close to mine was driving me insane, a slow torturous pleasure building just below where her bottom sat.

As if sensing my growing discomfort, Seri slow started to rock her hips against mine as her dainty hands traveled down the side of my torso, running her finger along the grove of the 'V' line of my hip.

Playing with the hem of my jeans before popping the button and unzipping them. Her slow pace becoming too much for me. Without thinking twice, wrapping my arms around her waist, I flipped us over. My jean covered length pressing into her, a soft moan escaping her lips as she lifted her hips to meet mine.

The hair that once cover her, haloed around her leaving her bare to me. My hand instantly slipping over her skin to palm her breast. Teasing and pinching her nipple roughly.

Seri cried out as she tugged at my jeans, using her legs to help slide them down. Soon the only articles between us were her lace knickers. Cupping her core over the soaked material, feeling her heat as a finger slipped under her panties and caressed her soft and very wet, silky flesh.

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