11: Eat my soul?

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Seri’s POV:

Harry, don’t move. I knew he would be able to hear me. The connection was already made, I had spent the last few nights making sure of that. I knew it was still too early for him to know the truth but things were moving rather quickly and I was running out of time.

For the last few days I had let this piece of shit Everett taunt me, touch me and now I was done with it. His bloody darkness was creeping out and pouring into Harry. I could feel the change, his thoughts and emotions clouded by a thick layer of black. He was changing too quickly, too early, and I needed to stop it or my plan would be fucked.

Letting that bastard drag me around the corner and pin me against the metal post was horrid but feeling his hard on against my stomach, his hands now pulling at my jeans was it. I was tired of playing the victim, the helpless new girl who was too scared to fight back.

I was far from helpless and this asshole has it coming. Still very aware of Harry watching me, I let Everett pull my hand down to meet his growing bulge. “Be a good girl and I might let you enjoy this.” he purred in my ear. I held in the laugh that was threating to burst out. Enjoy what?  I thought. He was already hard and barely fit in my hand.

Locking eyes with Harry again, I grabbed the collar of Everett’s jacket and pulled him closer. Pushing my chest firmly against his, I stood on my tiptoes and nuzzled my nose along his jaw before pulling his ear down to my lips.

“If you don’t get your tiny pecker away from me, I’m going to rip it off!” I growled seductively while twisting my grip on him. He winced in pain as I turned us around, pushing him against the pole. “Touch me again and it will be the last thing you ever do!”

Feeling my muscles ripple as I cocked my fist back was incredible. A few days here and not being able to use them was tiring but also weakening. I could feel myself growing weaker, being here for so long was taking its toll but I knew I had to see this through.

The moment my fist collided with his face, feeling of the bone in his cheek crack and shift under his thin flesh was indescribable. So of course without a second thought I threw another, this time connecting with his nose. Hearing and seeing it shift from its place was amazing but not nearly as amazing as the look on his face. The shock and embarrassment of all the damage I, the weak and helpless new girl, had done was beyond wonderful.

That is….until he starting laughing.

“Did you really think you would be the only one after him, Lupus?” he chuckled as he pushed his nose back in place and rolled his jaw from side to side. The moment his eyes went black, skin paled and the blackness of his blood showed through his veins I knew what he was.

“No…but I will say, you’re the first demon stupid enough to show yourself to me.” I smirked. “And what are you going to do, Lupus? Eat my soul?”  He hissed, he was playing a game of cat and mouse with me. Only he didn’t realize yet that he was in fact the mouse!

“Call me that again, Daemon, and I will!” I growled while wrapping my hand around his neck, lifting him slightly. The amusement gone in his eyes as, finally, the realization hit him. I wasn’t one to be played with and I didn’t let these lower level pieces of shit play with me for long.

“I can help you…I can help him!” I knew he was just trying to save his neck, literally, but I couldn’t help but think maybe he could but first, I needed answers. “How long have you been here?” I asked him calmly but the grip I held on his neck never loosened.

Diutius” he spat, “And how long is ‘too long’?” I tighten my grip, he wasn’t given me the answers I wanted. “Ego semper hie.” With that, I dropped him. “What do you mean ‘you’ve always been here’? That’s not possible…unless…” He cut off my thoughts with the answer I knew already. “Non sum plena daemonium.I’m not a full demon. His words ran through my mind, trying to recall the last demon who spawned a Halfling like Everett.

“Think carefully about what you say next, your next few answers may just save you.” He nodded, knowing even with a half pure/ half black soul, I could take it. “Who else knows you’re here?” “Only Titan…my father.”

Shit! They had been here all along. Titan, I couldn’t touch him without hurting Harry. I could feel the bond there, the connection made with him when he was just a baby. “Why is he here? What does he have planned?” I could feel the change start, I needed to keep my back to Harry before he saw.

“To help! He doesn’t want this war. He doesn’t want to go back! He masked Harry, kept the others from him. Until you, he couldn’t mask him from you.” He spoke frantically, almost scared I wouldn’t believe him but through the change I knew the truth in his words, though I was still doubtful. It wasn’t Everett I needed to be speaking to. “Let’s go have a little chat with Daddy, shall we.” I smirked.

Pulling the change back, I turned to face Harry. Shock and confusion were written all over his face. I knew there would be question that he needed answers to, but I hoped he was smart enough not to ask the right questions tonight.

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