18: That's creepy you know!

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I woke up freezing. The covers that were once on me were now gone. My hand padded around the bed trying to find something to keep me warm.

Turning over I could see Seri curled up with all the blankets, a little ball of warmth on the other side of the bed. Her head popping out from under the covers with her platinum hair haloed around her. She looked so cute when she slept. Her full lips slightly parted as she soft breathing filled the air.

Stop watching her you creeper! My subconscious scolded me. I couldn't help it, she was just so beautiful. A few strands of stray hair fell over her cheek, without hesitation I lift my hand to brush them behind her ear.

When my palm cupped her cheek she leaned into my touch, I knew she was still sleeping otherwise she would have never done it. But the moment my skin touched hers I could feel a tingle in the pit of my stomach.

The burning sensation radiated from my palms to my fingertips, the feeling of it so incredible I couldn't move my hand. I didn't want to. Whatever this was, filled me with so many emotions and thoughts I didn't notice her breathing had changed.

It was now ragged and shallow, her small chest rising and falling faster as I ran the pad of my thumb over her bottom lip. Leaning in, I could smell mint on her breath, it was intoxicating along with her woodsy honey vanilla sent.

"That's creepy, you know." She groaned as she shifted and opened her eyes. Meeting mine, she wasn't aware of just how close I was, the shock causing her to jerk back. "Shit, w-what were you doing?" she asked with wide eyes.

"Sorry, I-I was just moving some hair out of your uh...face?" I sounded like total wanker, even though that's how it started I didn't believe my own words. So I wasn't surprised when she lifted her brows, not buying the truth I just made sound like a lie.

"Right...well, go back to bed. It's late." She turned over, still hogging all the blankets, reminding me just how cold I was. "Seri..." I whined as I playfully poked her side. Much to my amusement, she giggled then caught herself and abruptly stopped.

"Don't do that again!" there was a slight growl in her voice but also a bit of fear.

"Do what?" I asked innocently, poking her again. Before she could do anything I gripped a fistful of material and jerked. "You're hogging all the covers! I'm freezing my ass off. Now give some up!"

I hoped she would fall for my little plan, yes I was still cold but hearing her giggle as I found her ticklish spot was too priceless to give up on. I just needed her to allow me into the blankets so I could full on attack her tiny sides.

"Fine here, now go back to bed." she said as she lifted the covers and allowed me in to them. With a smirk I scooted closer, stopping just a few inches behind her. "Night, Seri."

"Nigh-" I cut her off as my fingers wrapped around her small waist, flipping her over. I quickly moved to straddle her, pinning her arms above her head with one hand while the other ran the length of her torso.

"Don't you dare! I mean it, Harr-" I cut her off again as my fingertips gently but forcefully tickled her side.

"HARRY!" she screamed in a fit of laughter, her body convulsing beneath me. "Please....stop....Harry!" Biting her lip to stop the giggles from escaping. It was amazing to watch her come undone, for once she seemed like a regular 18 year old girl.

The way her nose scrunched up when she let out an ear piercing squeal, the way the moonlight glittered off her pearly whites when she grinned as my fingertips traced down her ribcage which shook slightly from anticipation of what my fingers were going to do.

The best part was her laughter, it was like the heavens had opened and a chorus of angels were singing as bright and beautiful sunrays shown down, guiding a starving man to food. Ok, maybe not just like that but it's pretty damn close. I thought as I laughed at my mental metaphor.

Just being able to look down at her, to see her eyes light up and the smile on her face was the best feeling in the world for me. I knew I shouldn't have but I couldn't stop myself. I leaned forward and crashed my lips to hers.

The softness and warmth alone was beyond glorious, the way her lips molded to mine and the hint of mint filling my lungs as she breathed into the kiss. Every part of my body burned with firry tingle, a bolt of lightning followed by a caress of silk. It was amazing.

My tongue swiped across her bottom lips, begging for permission and just as she gave it to me flashes of shadowy figures moving through the woods came to mind. Two towering shadows circled her cottage as a wall of a man walked down her path leading to the door.

I could see his foot connect with it, sending the wooden barrier backwards, reducing it to nothing more than splinters. In that moment I knew what they wanted. They were coming for Seri.

I could see the awful things he was going to do to her, the torture he planned to inflict on her once they had her. Worst of all I could see the tears in her eyes, the glowing blue eyes I'd come to adore, as she watched me fight, fight to stop them and fight to free her.

Her cries and screams echoed in my head as he shouted for her to say something. He wanted her to admit something, something to me but the moment her mouth opened, her words were muted to me. I couldn't hear her but the way her lips move told me what I already knew.

With her confession the man reached up and pulled her face into his hands, stroking her cheeks in a calming way while her eyes were locked on mine. With a kiss to her forehead and the jerk of her neck, the glow in her eyes burned out as she fell to ground.

Rage consumed me, filling me to the brim. With a shining light the shadowy figures holding me vanished as the man watched in awe. As I rushed to Seri, holding her lifeless body I could feel the change in me. No longer driven by kindness and love, I let the dark take over.

Everything went black for a second and when I opened my eyes Seri was still under me, a worried frown creased her brows as she searched my face and my mind for the answer to a question I didn't need to hear to know what she was thinking.

Before either of us could say anything a sharp pain filled my chest, the echoes of screeches moving near were loud in my head, I knew it was a warning.

"W-we have to leave, Seri! NOW!" I jumped up, pulling her with me. Looking around the room for a way out, "Do you have a backdoor?" I asked frantically. She nodded but again before she was able to speak I was pulling her along behind me in search for it.

Turning the handle and looking back at her I finally spoke, with the flow of those four words, she squeezed my hand and let me lead her out.

"They're coming for you!"

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