31: NOT so new abilities

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It was safe to say that I was freaking out!

I was a wolf!

This wasn’t possible!

“You are the most unique creature ever to be born, Harry. No one really knows what you can or can’t become.” Zee said, grinning like an idiot.

Glad someone finds this amusing!

I thought, mentally rolling my eyes. This was just too fucked up comprehend. What was worse about all this was the fact that if I had been able to except the change, I could have had a wolf during my time with Seri and Zaffre. There could have been a way to show her all the love she deserved.

“Harry, Zaffre knew how much you loved her. A wolf would have made no difference. She loves you!”

‘Loved….she loved me, Zee. Now she’s gone.’ I whined. The feeling of losing them hit me like a ton of brick once again, only this time it was magnified by 100.

“It’s the wolf part of you. Your emotions will be doubled.” Thankfully he didn’t mention the girls again. I couldn’t stand talking about them knowing I would never be with them again.

“You don’t know that, sweetheart. If I have learned anything, it is that nothing is impossible.” Kale spoke, the calmness in her voice helped to ease some of the pain but the message behind her words also gave me a bit of hope.

Maybe there was a way to bring them back! I didn’t want to put too much stock behind that hope but even just being able to hope at all, was comforting to me.

Humming at that thought, Zee brought me out of my thoughts with his question.

“Do you feel your wolf, Harry? I don’t hear him…I-I can’t sense him.”

Thinking about, I went mentally went in search for him. I knew Seri had Zaffre, she was her wolf half and there for a separate creature inside her. But I was coming up empty handed in search for my own. It was just me in here.

“He has no wolf?...Zekiel, how is that possible?” Kale was started to worry, I could hear it in her voice.

“I’m not sure.” He said turning to her, he walked over and whispered something in her ear. I was still able to hear it with my new senses but let him talk to her privately anyway.

He was asking her to leave the room, I didn’t understand why until he asked me to shift back. Whimpering, he understood I had no idea how to do so.

“It’s ok, just think of yourself as you again. Think about your body, your human body Harry.”

I did, just when I was about to give up, I could feel the air around me begin to vibrate. I could feel the static in the air and with the new eyesight I had, I could actually see the strings of electricity floating around me. Like small bolts of lightning.

One second I was standing on all fours, the next I was laying on the ground shaking….naked.

Finally I understood why Kale left the room. It would have been embarrassing to have her see me like this. No one wants their mum to see them naked.

Grabbing a sheet from the corner of the room, Zee handed it to me.

“Come, I’m sure there will be others coming soon and its best we not be here when they do. You need rest.” he said while guiding me to the door.

Once we step outside, I could feel the strings of electricity again but there was something different about these ones. Instead of lightning, it was like a whirlpool. Images of another place whirled together with the images of the hallway we were standing in.

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