38: I knew it would be

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“You ready for this you-Harry?” Michael asked, correcting himself.

I had been quite clear I was done with the whole ‘young one’ shit. Though I think he found it hard. He’d been getting better but over the last two days, he’d been correcting himself more often than not.

Not trusting my voice I simply nodded. I guess the determined look on my face was enough for him.

We were all gathered about a mile away from the clearing I had seen in my head. A clearing littered with hundreds of demons, demons the angels were to take care of as I went in search for Drakius.

Knowing I was the only one who could face him was a bit unnerving, but in the end I knew I wouldn’t fail. I couldn’t, I had too much at stake.

“Remember to take Malfoy first, he can’t get the chance to warn Drakius. Take him then the others, let none of them get past you. They need to be near enough that when I finish Drakius, the gate will seal close and you finish them all.” I said, turning to Michael, Gabriel and June.

Uriel was with the second unit that would line the behind the boarder to make sure none of them got through. If they did he would have it covered. Once they got word that I had Drakius, his line would help the others as soon as I got the gate sealed.

With all of us knowing our position, we headed for the clearing. The now familiar swirl, wrapped around myself and extended to the others. It had taken a number of tries but I was finally able to move everyone along with me.

As soon as the clearing became clear in my mind, we all stood staring at the endless black of countless demons in front of us. We only had a matter of seconds before one of them would take notice of us so without wasting time, Michael and Gabriel stepped forth, scanning for Malfoy.

Once he was in their sights, them and others took no time in attacking. I could hear the ripping of limbs and shrieking cries from the demons. There was also the mangled mashing of torn flesh trying to re-adhere itself back to its owner as the demons fought to become whole again.

“Go now Harry!”

I heard the cry of Michael but couldn’t see him through the cloud of black and red. Smoke and blood was scattered around the clearing, only giving glimpses of pale or tanned flesh from the angels.

Without a second thought I cleared my mind again, thinking only of Drakius. Seeing him sat top of large bolder overlooking what was happening down below, the worried frown on his face as he turned to leave.

In the instant he righted himself and took stock of his surround behind him, I was there. Shock and amusement clear on his features as he felt my fist break through the heard flesh of his chest.

Gripping the still beating heart, I could feel a burning in my hand. A searing heat that blistered my palm as Drakius smirked down at me.

“Didn’t think it would be that easy, did you?” he chuckled as a hand came up, and like snake striking, it came down just as fast.

Closing my eyes I waited for the blow, seconds passed but nothing. Opening my eyes, I could see him pounding on air. A thin, clear shield separated his fist from me, only allowing my still burning hand to continue its hold on his heart.

 Thinking quickly, I pulled my fist from his chest, along with the blackened, bloodied organ. The smell of a rioting corpse along with the burnt flesh filled my nose as I looked at it. Yet as I watched in worry, I saw that it wasn’t the organ that was burning my, it was my hand burning the organ.

The bright red tint coming from my visible fingertips lead down to my palm. Turning the heart to ash slowly as if set in a blazing furnace. What I didn’t expect was the booming laughter that came from Drakius as I watched his heart turn to dust.

“You really thought that would work on me didn’t. Silly child.”

His mocking tone spoke volumes. He thought I wasn’t ready for this, that I was stupid enough to come to him and not be prepared. He thought he had me right where he wanted me.

Dropping his now ruined and ashed heart, I stared up at him. Backing away only to run right into a tree. Looking around for a way out of here, I stilled as he took the few steps to stand right in front of me.

His arm shot out as his fingers curled around my throat. Squeezing enough for me feel the pressure on my wind pipe, the pinch of my cords as he smirked. His disappointed sneer as he looked at me with distaste.

“To think, you, had me worried for a moment. The Halfling who would end all of this…HA, your little bitch had more fight in her.” He spat as his gripped tightened.

He was still standing at arm’s length, I need him closer. Close to enough to do what I knew I had to. He didn’t take the bait as well as I would have liked.

“Fuck you! I will end you!” I didn’t my best to sound fierce but it came out as nothing more than a crocked whisper.

He stepped closer, lowering his head down until he was nose to nose with me. The image of Seri falling lifeless to the floor flashed in my mind, I was thankful for it, it cleared my triumphant thoughts.

“I had such plans for you, pitty…oh well, your soul burning in Hell will have to d-”

I cut him off as my hand went through the now soft flesh of his chest. The searing heat of my palm turning to a cold, nearly icy, tingle. The bright blue light that shinned out from it was see through his skin.

I wasn’t sure how or why, but this was it, this was how it was to end. I had seen it in my mind, all of this, how it would play out. I knew this would work, the look on his face as the light build and expanded throughout him was enough conformation for me.

“You right, I didn’t think it would be that easy….I knew it would be.”

I smile just as the light reached out from every point in his body, filling him to the brink just as skin shrank in slightly and then with a violent pop he turned to dust, tiny grains of black sand scattered about the ground. As each grain landed a small flicker of a flame claimed each, leaving nothing, not even ash.

I inhaled deeply, trying to calm my ragged breathing. That asshole had nearly squeezed my head off. I was just easing the ach in my lungs as a piercing, pain filled scream reached my ears.


It was June.

*I know it's short but I'm really not good with the big, epic fighting stuff...so yea.

Last chapter will be posted Thurs.*

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