35: June?....Raphael?

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“You said she can bring my parents back, why not Seri?”

I had to ask this, I didn’t know how June could bring them back, but if she could do it with them, something was telling me she would be able to do it with Seri and Zaffre.

I could have my girls back!

‘It’s not that simply, Harry. Seri was something different, she was directly tied to Darkius. He made her and if she were to bring her back, there is a chance she could bring him back with her.’


I knew where this conversation was going to go but I still had hope. IF I could kill this son of bitch once, then maybe I could do it again. So it really wouldn’t matter if June brought back both Seri and him.

The sigh that Titan let out let me know he knew where my thoughts were going and didn’t like it.

‘Harry, I know you want them back, but it’s just too risky. Not to mention, when she brings them back, they will be human-’

“What do you mean human?” I asked cutting him off.

‘June, I think it would be better if you explain to him what type of angel you are.’

I looked to June expectantly. She turned to Titan to me with a small chuckle.

“Who would have thought a demon would be able to get inside my head?” she beamed at him. Again there was an awkward tension in the air and I really didn’t want to think about what it meant.

“Not even Kale was able to do that….how are you?” she asked curiously, almost like she was in awe.

‘You should know, June. You’re the one letting me in. I don't feel a block with you, I can read you as clearly as I can read myself.’

He shrugged and was about to let it go, thought clearly June had other plans.

“I have my guard up as we speak, so why does it not have an effect on you?” the question was more rhetorical than anything and I figured Titan knew that as well as he simply shrugged again.

“Can you shift back now? I’ve never know a demon to take such a form for this long, also it would be nice to actually see and hear you talk.”

She gave him a warm smile and waited. After a moment of staring at him with his head hung low, he finally sighed.

‘I can’t.’


I practically screamed, I just always thought he preferred to stay in that form, I never bother to ask him to change back, I was use to Titan, my dog, not Titan the man…demon, whatever.

‘I never had a human form, I was always….a monster’ He whispered that last bit.


June gasps as she looked like she was ready to run away. That was definitely not a good sign.

‘I’ve change, I want to be better. I want the chance to make up for what I’ve done. If I truly belong in Hell I’ll go back without question, but I want the opportunity to atone for my actions and to ask for forgiveness…once I’ve earned it.’

His words held his conviction but also a bit of fear. Fear of what, I wasn’t sure but I knew if given the chance he could show anyone just how far he’s come from whatever he was like before.

“You’ve much to atone for Titius.” Junes tone was lace with disgust, a tone that wasn’t unnoticed by Titan. Even as a dog, you could see the hurt flicker across his face, he was quick to cover it up.

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